John Dimas
Que Sakamoto Huit Etoiles / Roam Recordings / To Rack&Ruin
K.E.G session womb / Living Room
- DATE: 10/14 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- RA
- clubberia
- FB discount : ¥3,000
RICARDO VILLALOBOS、ZIPにせまる、ヨーロッパのシーンを震撼させる若きマスター” JOHN DIMAS "
ギリシャ発、ベルリンを拠点に活動する若き才能John Dimas。テッキーなハウスからメロディアスな作品までリリースするプロダクションは世界中を虜にし、ここ日本でもファンが多い実力派!今回は、東京とベルリンに拠点をおくプロモーター集団、Repileが初めて自身の名を冠としたショーケースに参戦!!Up To Youや関西の野外フェスsea of greenの運営に関わりEinzelkind、Molly、S.A.M.、Dorian Paic、Dana Ruhといった海外で地位を確立するアーティストを招聘し、日本のクラブシーンに質の高いのハウスミュージックを紹介してきたクルーだ。
地元ギリシャにて腕を磨き、着実にキャリアをのばしてきたJohn Dimas。自身のレーベルElephant Moonを主催し、Raum…Musikなどのレーベルからも作品をリリースし、いまでは世界中の名門クラブや人気のフェスに出演するなど多岐に渡って活躍を見せる要注目の若きマスターのプレイをお見逃しなく!!
The young master gaining ground artists like Ricardo Villalobos and Zip, John Dimas, who is sending shockwaves through the European scene.
This young dynamo hails from Greece and is based in Berlin. His works span form Tech House to more melodic tunes and have captivated listeners the world over. This highly-talented producer has many a fans in Japan. This event is a showcase from the promoter Repile that are based in both Tokyo and Berlin and this will be their first of hopefully many to come! This crew operates Up to You and the outdoor fest held in Western Japan, Sea of Green, and are renowned for their talent in getting top acts like Einzelkind, Molly, S.A.M., Dorian Paic and Dana Raic to play high quality House music in Japan.
Dimas honed his skilled in his country of Greece and steadily built a solid career. He’s got his own label, Elephant Moon, and has released works for labels like Raum…Musik. Recently, he’s been playing at famous clubs and festivals all over the world. Don’t miss out on the chance to catch this young master at work!