Taapion Recods
Sawagi Festival
Pflaume Audio -Live-
Sho Yamamoto Sawagi Festival
Shhhhh El Folclore Paradox
Tsutomu Sawagi Festival
Sakiko Osawa OIRAN MUSIC
Chillsuke nagomi
Baki nagomi / projectOTO
- DATE: 2/16 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- RA
- Clubberia
- FB discount : ¥3.000

パリのテクノシーンの最重要人物AWBがSawagi Festivalに出演決定!!
Shlømo、PVNVと共にTaapion Recordsの共同創業者であり、いまやパリのテクノシーンにおける最重要人物のひとりとして活躍するAWBが2月16日にVENTで開催されるSawagi Fesに出演が決定!!2017年のリリースは各地で好評で、DJとしてもBerghainでのデビューを果たすなど、ヨーロッパシーンに急激に広がっていく要注目のライジングアーティスト!
2015年より開催を続けフェスという枠組みを越え、音楽体験のキュレーターを目指すべく活動を続けるSawagi Festivalは過去にはTaapion Soundsystemの初来日も手がけ、Dommuneの協力を得てShlømo、Francois X、AntigoneのDJを発信することにも成功した。
Parisian techno big figure AWB appears at Sawagi Festival!!!
With Shlømo and PVNV, AWB launched Taapion Records, now he became a big deal of Paris’ techno scene. Debuted as a DJ at Berghain with his big hits in 2017, a wave of this rising star is reaching throughout Europe. He will appear at Sawagi Fes held at VENT on Feb 16th!!
AWB’s style which freely moves around deep tech and broken beats with a touch of cinema music mixes a wide variety of vinyl new to old and make deep complex techno ~ acid ~ melodious music.
Sawagi Festival has been curating different types of music experience since 2015. In the past, it brought Taapion Soundsystem to Japan, and live streamed Shlømo, Francois X, and Antigone through Dommune. Once again with Taapion, Sawagi Fes will bring AWB, this will be a great night!