





Koudai × Mamazu


Sotaro x EMK

EITA x Knock

Genki Tanaka × Toji Morimoto



  • DATE: 12/31 (MON)
  • OPEN: 21:00

正に最高峰!! LucianoとRicardo Villalobosが見出した、Panorama Barの初代レジデント“ Cassy “

Panorama Bar、Rex Club、Cocoon、Circo Locoといった人気クラブ、パーティーのレジデントを務め、Luciano、Mathew Jonson、Tobias、Steve Bug、ZipそしてRicardo Villalobosといったアーティストが認めるその才能!名実ともにアンダーグラウンドのテクノ/ハウスの最高峰に位置する、先鋭女性アーティストCassyが大晦日に行われるカウントダウン・パーティーに登場!!

インディペンデントでユニークな個性を持ち、女性としてのパワーと繊細な音楽感からソウルフルで暖かく、エレガントで少しミステリアスな幅の広いエレクトロニック・ミュージックを作り出してきたCassy。父の仕事の関係で子供の頃にSun Ra、Archie Sheppなどのジャズ・レジェンドに出会ったことにより音楽の道へ進むようになったという。ヨーロッパ各地を渡り歩き、各地域の様々な音楽シーンに触れてきたことで今のスタイルを確立していった。

ベルリンのPanorama Barがオープンした際にはLucianoから直々に指名を受けて、Cadenza nightのオープニングDJを務める。Panorama Barに気に入られ、そのままその後もレジデントDJとして活躍。プロデュース作品にも定評がありPerlon、Ostgut Ton、Uzuri、Beatstreet、Playhouseそして自身のCassyレーベルから多くの傑作をリリースしてきた。


Simply one of the best! Discovered by Luciano and Ricardo Villalobos, and part of the first generation of residents at Panorama Bar, Cassy comes to VENT on December 31st!

Cassy has held residencies at renowned clubs like Panorama Bar, Rex Club, Cocoon, and Circo Loco, and has gained the respect of notable artists such as Luciano, Mathew Jonson, Tobias, Steve Bug, and Zip. A female artist on the cutting-edge at the summit of the underground Techno/House scene, Cassy will be gracing the decks at VENT’s New Year’s Eve countdown party on December 31st!

Cassy is a unique an independent individual, and her feminine powers provide that delicate touch to the warm, soulful, elegant, and sometimes mysterious electronic music she produces. As a child, influenced by her father’s work, she was exposed to Sun Ra, Archie Shepp, and other Jazz legends, which amplified her love of music and paved the way for her career in the field. Her style is the culmination of traversing throughout Europe and coming into direct contact with a plethora of unique music scenes.

When Berlin’s Panorama Bar opened back in 2004, Luciano selected her to be the opening DJ for the Cadenza Night party. She quickly got in the good books with the club and soon secured a residency there. She’s produced works for acclaimed labels like Perlon, Ostgut Ton, Uzuri, Beatstreet, and Playhouse, and has also released on her own, aptly named, Cassy label.

Excelling as both a DJ and producer, and as a top act in the scene Cassy is truly a master of weaving a sonic journey that will take you into another world. So why don’t you come and join us and ring in the New Year at Omotesando VENT?


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.