Seven Davis Jr.
U-T bamboo
TERA Diet Coke / LowTechCircus
- DATE: 7/1 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4000
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500(優先入場)
- Live Pocket
- BEFORE 0 AM: ¥2,000
- FB discount : ¥3000
Fourtet、Honey Dijonも信頼を寄せるNinja Tuneから怪作を連発する才人!SEVEN DAVIS JR
Gilles Petersonが見出し、今やMoodymann、Flying Lotusともステージを共にする、LAハウスシーンの出世頭。
共演には、レジデントを務めるRED BARや主宰するコンセプチュアルなダンスミュージックのパーティ/レーベル bambooなどで都内を中心に活躍するU-T、フリーランスでブランドディレクション/DJ/モデルとしても活躍し音楽とランニングカルチャーの世界を表現するParamount Runningを主催するLB3、Sound Sports のメンバーとしてアジアでも活動するISLNDが登場。
ROOM2では、繊細かつ情熱的なデトロイトの魂を現代のシーンに落とし込むことができる稀有な存在として活躍するTERA、ィープ/ソウルフルなハウスを中心に都内で活動するMINAMI、同世代のDJを招聘したパーティー Rebel Rebel を主宰するPine、都内を中心にアシッドジャズ等聴き心地の良いオーガニックな音とミニマルな電子音をミックスするYOYOHEIがプレイする。
– Seven Davis Jr. –
7/1 (SAT)
DOOR: ¥4,000
BEFORE 0AM: ¥2,000
Seven Davis Jr.
U-T (bamboo)
TERA (Diet Coke/LowTechCircus)
※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。
※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
[ FB / RAイベント参加,IGいいね ] でディスカウント実施中!
Prepare to be mesmerized by the exceptional talent of Seven Davis Jr, an artist who has consistently delivered extraordinary releases on the renowned Ninja Tune - a label trusted by influential figures like Fourtet and Honey Dijon.
Hailing from the vibrant LA house scene, Seven Davis Jr has been making waves with his unique style and infectious energy. His undeniable talent caught the attention of Gilles Peterson, propelling him into the spotlight and leading to remarkable opportunities putting on the same level as icons like Moodymann and Flying Lotus.
The co-hosts of this event bring a diverse range of talents and experiences to the table. U-T, a prominent figure in the Tokyo music scene, holds a residency at Red Bar and spearheads the conceptual dance music party and label known as bamboo. LB3, a multi-faceted artist, serves as a freelance brand director, DJ, and model, seamlessly blending the realms of music and running culture. LB3 also organizes Paramount Running, an exciting endeavor that brings these worlds together. Additionally, ISLND, a member of Sound Sports, makes waves across Asia with their active involvement in the music scene.
In Room 2, you’ll be treated to an incredible lineup. TERA, an exceptional talent, effortlessly weaves the sensitive and passionate soul of Detroit into the contemporary music landscape. Minami, a Tokyo-based artist, specializes in deep and soulful house music, providing a captivating sonic experience. Pine, the mastermind behind Rebel Rebel, curates a party that showcases DJs from the current generation, ensuring a fresh and vibrant atmosphere. Lastly, YOYOHEI, primarily based in Tokyo, creates immersive sets by skillfully blending comfortable organic sounds such as acid jazz and minimal electronic elements.