

Fat Jon

Pase Rock

Nujabes tribute band starring Lee Ayur

A Tribute To Nujabes supported by CASIO Sound Tradition

Five Deez

DJ Chika a.k.a. Inherit

DJ Minoyama

DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current

Segawa Tatsuya

Toru Hashimoto

Guinness & Tribe crew

and more

  • DATE: 2/25 (SAT)
  • OPEN: 23:00

【 エバーグリーンな音楽の数々!今なお全世界で愛され続けるNujabesの追悼イベント 】


ヒップホップを軸にジャズやソウル、ハウスなどを取り込み、ジャンルを越境した唯一無二のサウンドが今も世界中で支持されているNujabesだが、昨年2月には彼を敬愛するプロテニスプレイヤー錦織圭選手による選曲コンピレーションアルバム『Kei Nishikori meets Nujabes』もリリースされ、国内外で大きな反響を呼んだ。今年の追悼イベントには、生前Nujabesと親交が深かった海外アーティストのFat JonとPase Rockが来日出演するほか、ピアニスト/コンポーザーのLee Ayurを中心に豪華メンバーが集結した1夜限りの「Nujabesトリビュートバンド」が、Nujabes不朽の名作の数々をスペシャルメドレーでお届けする。また、Hydeout Productions黄金期を支えたDJ Chika a.k.a. InheritやDJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current、そしてNujabesが経営していたレコードショップGuinness Records、tribe両店舗の元スタッフなども多数出演。なお本イベントでは、全てのLIVE/DJ出演者が、Nujabes楽曲またはNujabesに捧げる関連楽曲のみをプレイする。



~ Tribute to Nujabes on the 7th anniversary of his departure ~

Nujabes, an unmatched genius producer, was taken from this earth at the young age of 36, on the fateful night of February 26th 2010. To commemorate seven years from his passing, as per local Buddhist tradition, VENT will hold a memorial event in his honor, on February 25th, Saturday.

Nujabes brought a fresh new sound founded on Hip Hop with elements that of Jazz, Soul, and House; moving beyond genres and winning him fans all over the world. Last February, pro tennis player Kei Nishikori – who is a diehard Nujabes fan – arranged and released a compilation album, titled “Kei Nishikori meets Nujabes”, to much acclaim both domestically and abroad. This year’s memorial event will feature international artists like Fat Jon and Pase Rock, who were tight with Nujabes in his previous life, as well as DJ Chika AKA Inherit who was an integral force in the heyday of Hydeout Productions, and pianist/composer Lee Ayur. For the Osaka performance, Lee Ayur and DJ Chika will combine forces. At the Tokyo performance Nujabes tribute band featuring a star-filled cast and centered on Lee Ayur will perform, one night only, a special medley of Nujabes’ finest works. While on the actual tour, all live performers and DJs will only play Nujabes songs or songs dedicated to Nujabes.

Nujabes gained tremendous support form listeners all over the world through his releases, which were pure sounds completely devoid of commercialism contrary to the current trend in the music industry. Come and experience an event in tribute of a still admired, lyrical and beautiful sound that transcends generations and borders.


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.