Token, Cncrete
Tsutomu x Sho Yamamoto Sawagi Festival
Thibaud & Thibault
CHiE Nakajima INTENTION/System Kong
USEA relation
- DATE: 2/10 (MON)
- OPEN: 23:59
- DOOR: ¥3,600
- ADV/前売: ¥2,750
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,100

Nina Kravizのレーベルтрипからのリリースが話題沸騰中!フランス・テクノシーンのリーダー、
Nina KrazvizやCarl Craig、Slamといったテクノシーンのトップを突き進むアーティストがコンピレーションやリミックスに彼を起用!フランスのテクノシーンの最前線において新世代のエレクトロニック・ミュージックのアーティストたちのリーダーでありメンターでもある Antigone が2月10日のVENTに登場!
Zadig率いるConstruct Re-formからリリースされた最初のEP”Forbidden Works”で、Antigoneはエレクトロニック・ミュージックの世界に参入し、その作品は高く評価された。次の作品はパリの伝説のクラブConcreteのレーベルからリリースされ、メロディックかつメランコリックなスタイルがシーンから熱狂をもって迎えられてきた。
まさに流星の如く急上昇したAntigoneはいまではフランスのテクノシーンの象徴的なプレーヤーへと位置づけられており、2019年の12月にはNina Kravizのтрипレーベルからのコンピレーションも話題の中、約1年ぶりとなる来日公演に大きな期待を寄せたい!
Top player of the French techno scene, Antigone, whose release on Nina Kraviz’s трип label has been getting a lot of attention, will be coming to Omotesando VENT!
He has dropped compilations and remixes of some of the foremost artists in the techno scene like Nina Kraviz, Carl Craig, and Slam. At the forefront of the French techno scene, Antigone, leader and mentor of a new generation of artists, will be gracing the decks at VENT, on February 10th!
Antigone entered the world of electronic music with his first EP, “Forbidden Works”, which received high acclaims and was released on the Construct Re-form label ran by Zadig. His next release was released on the label of the legendary Parisian club, Concrete, and its melodic and melancholic overtones was enthusiastically received by the scene.
In addition to producing, his powerful DJ skills paved the way to play at many top-tier, international clubs and festivals, as well as a five-year residency at Concreate; captivating dance floors with his arsenal chock full of a wide array of intense selections. His placement as one of the top player has certainly been secured.
Antigone has become an iconic player in the French techno scene, and in December of 2019, talk of a compilation from Nina Kraviz’s трип label started making the rounds. We are all very excited about his first return to Japan in about a year – so come join us and check out for yourself!