Damian Lazarus
Tez & Kusda RAFT TOKYO
- DATE: 2/22 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

伝説 " Damian Lazarus “、 砂漠やジャングルからビッグフェスまで、世界中で驚愕のパフォーマンスを見せてきたカリスマが、6年ぶりに遂に来日!
ここまで素晴らしいキャリアを築いてきたDJもなかなかいないだろう。数々のヒット曲を世に送り出し、著名DJの初期キャリアをサポート、伝説のイベントの多くを手がけてきたシーン屈指のDJ、Damian Lazarusが2月22日についにVENTに初登場する!
最高峰のレーベルCrosstown Rebels、マヤ文明の遺跡で開催されるフェスティバルDay Zero、同名のミックスCDシリーズと共に繰り広げられるイベントGet Lost、そしてもちろん世界各地で披露されてきたDJプレイと自らのプロデュース作品の数々。Damian Lazarusが築きあげた輝かしいキャリアと功績によって、彼は現代のハウス/テクノシーンにおける最も尊敬を受けるアーティストであり、重要なテイストメーカーであり探求者であり続けている。
クラブから砂漠やジャングルまで、その場所に合わせて常に魔法のような驚愕のパフォーマンスを見せてきたDamian Lazarusは、DJ/プロデューサーとしての活躍だけではなく、Jamie Jones、Art Deartment、Maceo Plexといった今をときめくスターアーティストをいち早く発掘し世に送出するなどA&Rとしても超一級の腕を持っている。
最近ではSimian Mobile Disco、Arctic Monkeys、Florenceなどを手がけるJames Fordとタッグを組み、様々なミュージシャンを迎え入れたDamian Lazarus And The Ancient Moonsというコラボプロジェクトをローンチ。メキシコで制作を終え新次元のライブセットを携えてツアーに繰り出す予定だ。ハウスとテクノのシーンに常に創造性と革新性をもたらしてきたDamian Lazarusが繰り広げる音楽のマジカルな冒険旅行にぜひ参加してほしい!
For the first time in six years the man, the legend Damian Lazarus - known for his epic live performances at massive festivals spanning the globe, from deserts to jungles!!! - will join us at VENT for a truly unforgettable night!
Not many DJs have had such an illustrious career in music as Damian Lazarus. He’s produced a number of hits that have received world-wide acclaim, is known for supporting up-and-coming DJs in their careers, and is famous for performing at legendary events. Now, he will finally make his way to VENT on February 22!
Damian Lazarus, owner of prominent label Crosstown Rebels, is renowned for his mastery of the DJ arts, having played a plethora of festivals in many an exotic locale – most noteworthy being the Day Zero festival held within the premises of Mayan ruins of which a mix series of the same name has been released – as well as the Get Lost event, and of course he’s produced and release numerous masterpieces. He’s really carved out an astoundingly illustrious career in the industry, and is currently one of the most venerable names in house/techno being the crate-digger cum influencer that he is.
From the club to the desert to the jungle, Lazarus has a knack for delivering jaw-dropping performances tailored to the situation/scenario. And he’s not just a DJ/producer, he’s also a world-class A&R who is notable for discovering star artists like Jamie Jones, Art Department, and Maceo Plex.
As of late, Lazarus has been collaborating with James Ford of Simian Mobile Disco, Arctic Monkeys, and Florence fame, to form and launch the “Damian Lazarus and the Ancient Moons”, which incorporates many other artists as well. They’ve finished production in Mexico and you can expect them to go on tour in the near future. Constantly bringing creativity and innovation to the house and techno scenes, Damian Lazarus’ magical music will set you off on an unforgettable spiritual journey, so don’t miss your chance to catch him live at VENT!