

Denis Sulta

N.O.S. 1st Anniversary


N.O.S. DJs


VJ Kenchan N.O.S./tokyovitamin



shunhor breathless

Pocho in the House Remedy

Bugoctet Eclipse

  • DATE: 3/23 (SAT)
  • OPEN: 23:00

Four Tet、Skream、Optimoから熱烈なサポートと称賛を受け、衝撃的なスピードでハウス界のスターダムを駆け上るDenis Sultaの初来日公演

ハウス界において衝撃的な活躍を見せる人気急上昇アーティスト、グラスゴーからの新鋭、Denis Sultaによる超待望の来日公演が3月23日に決定!!

国際的に有名なレコードショップであるRubadubで働き、同じく世界的に有名なクラブであるSub Clubでレギュラー出演を重ねて培った深い音楽への知識から作られた緻密な作品が特徴的で、DJとしてもプロデューサーとしてもここ数年でその存在感を急激にましているDenis Sulta。2014年にDixon Avenue Basement Jamsと契約し数枚の作品をリリースして以降、Numbersや自分で立ち上げたSulta Selectsなどのレーベルから華やかでパンチのある作品をリリースすることでエレクトロニック・ミュージックシーンにおいて、その圧倒的な才能を示してきた。

モントリオールでのRed Bull Music Academyを卒業して以来、世界中のラジオやクラブ、フェスで自身の楽曲をプレイ。2016年末のResidetn Advisorの人気投票ではTOP100の中の26位にランクインし、その年のニューエントリーの中では最高位に位置した。まだ来日したことがないにもかかわらず2018年にはMixMag Japanの表紙に抜擢され、その勢いは留まることを知らない。スピードを緩めることのないその輝かしいキャリア初となる来日公演はマストチェックです!

Denis Sulta has received massive respect from top artists like Four Tet, Skream, and Optimo, and has risen to the top of the house scene with lightning speed, and now he will be making his first appearance in Japan, at VENT on March 23rd!

It’s amazing how fast Denis Sulta has risen to stardom within the house scene. His efforts have definitely paid off! This Glasgow native will be making his highly anticipated Japan debut, at Omotesando VENT, on March 23rd – don’t miss it!

Working at the internationally renowned record shop Rubadub, as well as being a regular at the world famous SubClub definitely helped Denis Sulta cultivate his technique and musical knowledge, and has greatly influenced his unique outlook on track production. As a DJ and producer, Denis has quickly risen to the top of the league over a short span of time. In 2014, he signed with Dixon Avenue Basement Jams, with which he release several works. Subsequently, he released with Numbers, as well as with his own imprint, Sulta Selects – delivering punchy tracks and genius sense of style that would soon overtake the electronic music scene.

Since graduating from Montreal’s Red Bull Academy, Denis went on to play his own tracks on radio show, and at clubs and festivals the world over. At the end of 2016, Denis placed 26th out of 100 in Resident Advisor’s Top 100 chart – he claimed the highest position for a newcomer that year! In 2018, Denis made the cover of Mixmag Japan, despite having never been here. So, now he’s riding that wave, rushing forward at light speed, and will come full-force to drop what will be sure to be an amazing set, at his debut performance in Japan, only at VENT!


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.