Gary Beck
signal sammeln / ZERO GRVITY/Release
Ueno & Motoki Hada Charterhouse Records
- DATE: 6/1 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

Richie Hawtin、Chris Liebing等、世界的ビックネームが太鼓判を押すニュースクールミニマルの筆頭者、Gary Beck
SLAMと共にUKのニュースクールミニマル・テクノを牽引する Gary Beck が2年振りとなる来日公演を6月1日に開催決定!Soma、Figure、Perc Trax、Edit Select、Fine Art、Atypical Farmなどの人気レーベルからのリリースが日本でも話題になってきたが、昨年にはセカンドアルバムもリリースし気合十分の再来日公演となるだろう!
グラスゴー出身のプロデューサー/DJであるGary Beckは世界のトップクラブや人気フェスティバルに定期的に出演し、テクノシーンにおける地位を築いてきた。日本ではTAICO CLUB、WIRE、Womb、ロンドンのFabric、オランダのAwakenings、スコットランドのT in the Park、ローマのSpazio、ニューヨークのOutput、ドイツのTimewarpなど世界規模での活躍を見せている。
プロデューサーとしても、ユニークなサウンドが特徴的でシーンのトップDJからサポートを受け、上記のレーベルの他にはDrumcode、Cocoon、Savedなどのテクノシーンの人気レーベルや自身のBEK Audioレーベルから作品をリリースし高い評価を受けてきた。
BBC Radio 1のEssential Mixへの提供、2度のBoiler Roomへの出演、BBC 1のドラマ番組”Stonemouth”への楽曲の提供、そしてMR. G、Green Velvet、Debra Debs、Mark Broom、Speedy Jなどの素晴らしいアーティストたちとのコラボレーションを果たすなど多岐にわたる活動で存在感を見せつけるGary Beckの久々となる来日公演は見逃せない!
A leader of the new school of minimal sound, he’s gained the support of global top-acts like Richie Hawtin and Chris Liebing, Gary Beck comes to VENT on June 1st!
Leading the new school of minimal along with SLAM, Gary Beck will return to Japan for the first time in 2 years to play at VENT on June 1st! He’s released on world-class labels such as Soma, Figure, Perc Trax, Edit Select, Fine Art, and Atypical Farm, and has even gained popularity here in Japan; last year he dropped his second album and is pumped to come back to Japan!
Hailing from Glasgow, producer/DJ Gary Beck has played at the world’s top clubs and festivals, on the regular, and has become a mainstay in the techno scene. In Japan, he’s played at Taico Club, Wire, and Womb; in London he’s spun at Fabric; in the Netherlands he’s gigged at Awakenings; and on his home turf, Scotland, he’s performed at T in the Park; furthermore he’s played at Rome’s Spazio, New York’s Output, and Germany’s Timewarp. To put it simply – he’s been around!
As a producer his sounds are unique and full of character, and have gained the support of top DJs in the scene. He’s not only released on seminal labels like Drumcode, Cocoon, and Saved, but on his own BEK Audio print, garnering much acclaim.
He’s been featured on BBC Radio 1’s Essential Mix, made two Boiler Room appearances, provided tracks for the BBC 1 drama “Stonemouth”, and collaborated with a slew of amazing artists like Mr. G, Green Velvet, Debra Debs, Mark Broom, and Speedy J, making his presence known through a wide variety of activities. Now he’ll be coming to VENT for an unforgettable night, so be sure not to miss this chance!