

Giorgio Gigli
Electric Deluxe / Zooloft / from Rome

Mind Express / Semantica / from Berlin

FORCE episode 036

YUKIMASA Force / Paradigma

Masafumi Take Katharsis


Tsutomu Sawagi Festival

Sakuma Modest

Kannabi Katharsis

hems Camera/Obscura /from London


mu"he FUSION

  • DATE: 10/21 (MON)
  • OPEN: 23:00

イタリアの巨匠” Giorgio Gigli ”とベルリンテクノを体現する” Refracted ”がVENT初開催の FORCE に登場

Donato DozzyやDino Sabatiniと共にイタリアを飛び出し世界のデイープテクノシーンを牽引するGiorgio Gigliと、Oscar MuleroやSvrecaがプッシュするRefractedが祝前日である10月21日に開催されるFORCEに登場!

1976年にイタリア、ローマで生まれたGiorgio Gigli。彼は今では伝説となったローマの歴史的な電子音楽レーベルElettronica Romanaのメンバーの1人だった。このレーベルはFreddy KやModern Heads、Claudio PRC等のイタリアを代表するアーティスト達が作り上げた”大きなファミリア”とも呼ばれていた。第一弾リリースのDonato Dozzyプロデュースによる”Chiki Disco”は世界中のエレクトロニック・ミュージック・ファンから賞賛された。2年ぶりとなる今回の来日では、更なる進化を遂げた彼の情熱とノスタルジアが融合し、複雑で混沌としたシナリが作り出され、ダンスミュージック本来の持つ楽しさを存分にフロアで体感することが出来るだろう。

スペイン出身のRefractedは長年に渡りベルリンを活動拠点としており、Oscar Mulero主宰のPole Groupや、Svreca主宰のSemantica等の人気レーベルや、自身がローンチしたMind Expressから作品をリリースをしている。ベルリンの名門クラブTresorでは定期的にDJプレイを行っていたが、近年ではホストとしてTresorのパーティメイクも手掛けている。The Labyrinthに感銘を受けてスペインで4年前にスタートし、今や世界屈指のレイブパーティとなったParal·lel Festivalにも毎年出演を続けている。数多のテクノ・アーティストとは別の次元にある彼のオリジナリティやメンタリティ、サイケデリックなプレイスタイルはシーンから厚く信頼を得ている。





Italian maestro, Giorgio Gigli, and the personification of Berlin Techno, Refracted, set to play at FORCE only at VENT!

Representing Italy, along with Donato Dozzy and Dino Sabatini, frontrunner of the deep techno scene from Italy to all over the map is Giorgio Gigli; he will be joined by Refracted, who has been getting some serious support from Oscar Mulero and Svreca, on this pre-holiday special event, FORCE, at VENT on October 21st!

Giorgio Gigli was born in Rome, Italy in 1976. He was one of the members of the historical, and now legendary, Elettronica Romana label that published electronic music. This label, hailed as a “big family”, comprised of homegrown, Italian artists like Freddy K, Modern Heads, and Claudio PRC, to name a few. Their first EP by Donato Dozzy and Giorgio, “Chiki Disco”, was a massive hit that absolutely stormed the dance music scene. It has been a couple years since his last trip to Japan, but rest assured, Giorgio’s style has further evolved, and will be a nice fusion of passion and nostalgia, bundled into one complex and chaotic scenario that will surely have you experience new, fresh moments on the dance floor.

Originally from Spain, Refracted has been long active in Berlin, which is his current base of operations. He has released on not only his self-launched label, Mind express, but also other popular labels like Oscar Mulero’s Pole Group, and Svreca’s Semantica. He periodically performed at the prestigious Tresor in Berlin, and in recent years he lent a hand as host, holding parties for Tresor. Deeply impressed by the Labyrinth, he has been playing at one of the foremost global raves, the Paral·lel Festival, in Spain, since four years ago. His originality, mentality, and psychedelic style has set him apart from your typical techno artist, further gaining him the adoration and support of those within the scene.

FORCE has been held in several different venues since its inception back in 2009, and since then it has continued to explore the ever-shifting landscape of electronic music, as time passes by. This will the 36th installment, and not only will there be the two main acts from Europe, but also top local DJs who have been supporting the Tokyo scene with their intense passion and skill that have gone above and beyond the world standard will also be gathering this night. No doubt it is going to be one special night, filled with fabulous acts – so don’t miss your chance to catch FORCE, only at VENT!


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.