

Half Baked

So Inagawa - live -
Cabaret Recordings

Jun Akimoto
Fuse London


Len Tajima #FLUX


Machiko Street Smart

ama&genki steelo

  • DATE: 9/8 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00

【 世界を股にかけるトップアーティストJulietta、So Inagawa、Jun Akimoto がトリプルヘッドライナーを務めるallwetが開催!! 】

現在では世界でも数少ない楽曲リリースなしでワールドワイドDJとして活躍するDJの中のDJの一人であるJuliettaとDJ Masdaと共にCabaret Recordingsを設立し、Logo QueenとSensibilliaで世界的なヒットを記録したSo InagawagaがVent初登場。Fuse Londonのメインアーティストの一人であるJun Akimotoも出演決定と国内外の世界トップアーティストが肩を並べる豪華なラインナップ!

Juliettaは、ミュンヘンの伝説のクラブHarry Kleinにはじまり、SushitechやロンドンのトップパーティーHalf Bakedなどヨーロッパの数多くのパーティーのレジデントに起用され、4回目のアメリカツアーやジャパンツアーを行うなど、10年以上も間、年間のギグが100本をこえるスーパーDJの一人だ。コレクトしたレコードは6000枚以上にものぼり、並外れた音楽センス、ダンス・フロアを知り尽くしたDJスキルと的確なレコードをチョイスする直観で、新旧を織り交ぜたディープかつダビーなハウスからテクノ、ミニマルまでを自在にミックスし、一晩のセットをビルドアップしていく。

So Inagawaは、2013年、DJ Masdaと共にCabaret Recordingsを設立し、自身のEP Logo QueenとSensibilliaで世界的なヒットを記録した。2015年、初のヨーロッパツアーを大成功させ、2017年2年の沈黙を破りニューリリースを発表。

ヨーロッパで最もホットなパーティーの一つ”FUSE LONDON”のメインアーティストの一人として現在は、京都を拠点に活動するJun Akimoto。盟友IttetsuやYoshitacaとの楽曲がコンスタントにFuse London、Metroline LTD等のアンダーグラウンドダンスミュージックシーンを形成するクオリティーレーベルから数多くリリースされるなどプロデューサーとしても活躍している。


Feature a triple threat top, jet setting artists, Julietta, So Inagawa and Jun Akimoto headline "Allwet"!

Currently, Julietta has not released a single track – she is a DJ through and through, a DJ’s DJ who’s made this her job, and now she will be rocking the decks at VENT for the first time. Joining her, and also playing VENT for the first time, is So Inagawa – alongside DJ Masda he helped found Cabaret Records, and is renowned for recording the global hits with Logo Queen and Sensibillia. The third act in our epic lineup is the famed Jun Akimoto – one of the main artists for Fuse London.

Julietta cut her teeth at Munich’s legendary club Harry Klein and then went on to Sushitech and one of London’s top parties Half Baked. She’s held residencies at parties all over Europe, has toured the US 4 times and has even toured Japan. Over the 10 years she’s been playing, Julietta has played over 100 gigs a year – making her one of the world’s super DJs! Her collection consists of over 6000 records; she has a remarkable sense for music. She knows the dance floor like the back over had and can manipulate it with her sharp DJ skills and intuitive record selection knowhow – she splices the old with the new to weave a deep and sultry mix of House, Techno and Minimal, building up the set masterfully throughout the night.

In 2013, So Inagawa and DJ Masada established Cabaret Records and went on to release his EPs Logo Queen and Sensibillia, which became worldwide hits. In 2015, he set off on his first European tour, which was a huge success, and in February of this year broke the silence announced his new release. He’s garnering a lot of attention as of late, and is slated to tour Europe from this fall till the end of the year.

Jun Akimoto, who’s currently based in Kyoto, is one of the main artists for Fuse London, Europe’s hottest party. Along with his musical allies Ittetsu and Yoshitaca, as a producer he’s released tracks on numerous quality labels that have constantly been shaping the underground dance music scene from Fuse London to Metroline Limited.

We’re taking top acts from all over the world that’ve been on the radar in the underground and bringing them to this megalopolis called Tokyo and creating a night full of unforgettable experiences.



An exalted Techno/House specialist with one of the world's top sound systems