

KARENN - Live -

Elephant 2nd Anniversary

BANTER Audio & Visual Live Set - Moss / Sith


Sakuma Modest

Chie Nakajima INTENTION / System Kong

tamaru Huit Etoiles / cha cha cha


Neon Noir Revolt

Ken K


  • DATE: 10/4 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00



共にUKのポスト・ダブステップ・シーンから頭角を表し、時代を象徴するヒット曲をリリースしてきたBlawanとPariahによって2011年に始動したKarennは、Works The Long Nightsレーベルを拠点としながらこれまでに3作品と、The Analogue Copsとのスプリットシングルを発表してきた。

Karenn名義でのリリースは2014年の『Untitled』を最後に止まっていたものの、以降もKarennとしてのライヴセットでのツアーは積極的に行い、さらにはそれぞれのソロプロジェクトを通じてアップデートを重ね、2018年にはBlawanは自身主宰のTernescから1stソロアルバム『Wet Will Always Dry』を、PariahはFabricが運営するHoundstoothから1stアルバム『Here From Where We Are』をリリースし大きな話題となってきた。そして2019年に新レーベルVOAM設立し、5年ぶりのリリースとなる『Kind Of Green』を発表した。

今回Karennの二人が登場するElephantは2017年に7年ぶりに復活し、今までにはConforceやVon Grall、ASCそしてBlawanを招聘してきた人気のパーティーだ。今回はBoiler Roomなどでしか見ることのできなかったKarennを遂に日本に招聘し、Elephantの名にふさわしいヘヴィーなテクノサウンドをVENTのフロアに送り届けてくれるだろう!




Scions of techno Blawan and Pariah have joined forces to from the powerful duo Karenn, and are set to make first Asian landfall.

Blawan and Pariah have combined forces to form the live techno unit Karenn and will be making their performing for the first time in Asia at Elephant, to be held at VENT on October 4th! You can surely expect this super-dup to drop hard hitting improvisational sounds delivered directly from a plethora of hardware – it’s a sight to behold!

Karenn was formed in 2011 by Blawan and Pariah – both renown for dropping iconic smash hits in the UK post-dubstep scene at the time – are based in London and have produced three works so far for the Works the Long Nights print, as well a split single for The Analogue Cops.

Although they took a break in releasing under the Karenn moniker in 2014 with “Untitled”, they have been continuously and aggressively touring as Karenn. Both members have been doing the solo thing in the meantime, with Blawan releasing his first solo album “Wet Will Always Dry” on his own Ternesc label, and Pariah releasing his first album “Here from Where Are We” on Fabric’s Houndstooth print, also in 2018. This duo founded Voam, and have released their first album in five year “Kind of Green”.

The party featuring Karenn this time around is Elephant, which was resurrected after seven long years in 2017 – up to know the party has brought over acts like Conforce, Von Grall, ASC, and Blawan. We are really excited to have Karenn – a duo that one can only really witness through Boiler Room and similar mediums – their first gig in Japan will surely be a massive one, dropping heavy sounds


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※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
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