

Running Back / Ovum / Sofa

mule music presents “cats”

Toshiya Kawasaki mule musiq


Sisi Rainbow Disco Club

100LDK -visual-


Phenol yygrec / RICEBALL

Satoshi Matsui No House?

Ueno sheep

k_yam N.O.S. / Remedy

u come on! flowers in cave

  • DATE: 11/16 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00


テクノ、ハウス界隈で最も影響力のあるメディアの一つであるResident Advisorの読者投票で2年連続でベスト・ライブ・アクトに選出されたKiNKが11月16日にライブセットで出演決定!日本が世界に誇る名レーベル、mule musiq主催のパーティーcatsに登場する!

ブルガリア出身のKiNKは、クラシックなハウスサウンドからアバンギャルドなサウンドまで非常に高いレベルでブレンドした作品をRush Hour、Ovum、Macro、Modnight Shiftからリリースし、DixonなどのトップDJに熱烈にサポートされてきた。プロダクションだけでなく、PC、キーボード、ドラムマシーンなどを駆使して生み出されるインプロを織り交ぜたライブセットは誰にも真似できないパフォーマンスで、エレクトロニック・ミュージックを飛び越えて世界中で絶賛されてきている。

再生回数が200万回を超えるBoiler Roomの映像を見ると、KiNKのライブパフォーマンスは”演奏”することにも重点が置かれていて、即興性の高いパフォーマンスで生のグルーヴをリアルタイムで生み出していくのだ。まさに現場でしか体験することができない唯一無二のプレイを国内最高峰のVENTのサウンドシステムで体感してほしい。

Ranked number one in the world, two years running, darling of the electronic music scene, KiNK is set to drop a super-rare live performance at VENT!

KiNK, who’s been ranked Best Live Act by Techno/House scene authority Resident Advisor two years in a row, is set to perform a very rare and special live session at VENT, organized by world-renowned Japanese label mule musiq, on November 16th!

Hailing from Bulgaria, KiNK blends classic House sounds and sensibilities with touches of the Avant Garde. He’s released numerous works on highly respected labels like Rush Hour, Ovum, Macro, and Modnight Shift, and has gained the love and support of many a top DJs including Dixon. Not only is he a fabulous producer, but an expert live performer who gracefully navigates PCs, keys, drum machines, among other devices; his live performances are second-to-none and one-of-a-kind, as he improvises and manipulates live electronics to weave a journey of banging tracks that has boosted his name and reputation top performer status, all over the world.

If you take a look at KiNK’s Boiler Room set, which, by the way, has over 2 million views, you can see for yourself that his live performance is indeed a performance and not just simple knob twiddling and fader sliding – it’s improv! He slams out beats and grooves in real time, feeling out the audience, adjusting as needed like a mad chemist, to conjure up a sonic experience that will only be in that moment, a unique, one-of-a-kind session. Seriously, do not miss a chance to listen to his performance on the leading sound system in the Far East, at VENT!


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.