

Laura BCR

LAURA BCR / Liquid Drop Groove "New Year

Newwave Project -LIVE-

Erik Luebs -LIVE-

SAKUMA VJ Tsujita Naoto




  • DATE: 1/18 (SAT)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥4000
  • ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000


PolygoniaやGiGi FM等、良質なテクノアクトが所属するOn Board Musicの創設者Laura BCR

ディープでダビー、名門Robert Johnsonからのリリースが話題のサイケデリア!

共演にはVENTでも珠玉のライブセットを披露してきたKuniyukiが、自身のルーツとなるニューウェーブなどを取り入れた別名義Newwave Projectで登場。更にニューヨークThe Bunker やロッテルダムNous’klaer Audioなど、各国の著名レーベルからのリリースでも知られるErik Luebsがラインナップ。Modest主宰、DJ Nobu、Eric Cloutier、Valentino Moraなどと渡り合ってきたDJとして信頼度が高いSAKUMAがプレイする。

ROOM2には、Future Terrorのレジデントとなった日本の至宝DJ YAZI、テクノを主軸とした空間作りのセンスが一際輝くAyakaが大抜擢、そしてLiquid Drop Grooveを主宰するYUTAもコンセプチュアルなセットで登壇。

Laura BCR, the founder of On Board Music—a label representing top-quality techno acts like Polygonia and GiGi FM—will be coming to VENT!

Known for her deep, dubby, and psychedelic sound, her recent release on the prestigious Robert Johnson label has been generating significant buzz.
In addition, Kuniyuki, known for his masterful live set at VENT, will perform under his alias Newwave Project, blending his roots in new wave and other genres. Erik Luebs, celebrated for his releases on renowned labels like The Bunker in New York and Nous’klaer Audio in Rotterdam, will also join the lineup. Sakuma, a highly respected DJ who has collaborated with the likes of Modest, DJ Nobu, Eric Cloutier, and Valentino Mora, will round out the roster.

In Room 2, the legendary DJ Yazi, a core member of Future Terror, will showcase his distinct style alongside Ayaka, whose ability to craft spatially rich, techno-driven sets has earned her recognition. Also taking the stage will be Yuta, the driving force behind Liquid Drop Groove, ensuring an evening of deep and captivating sounds.