

DJ Nobu



LDG presents 10 years Bassiani

DJ Nobu

Zitto Bassiani , from Tbilisi

Kvanchi Bassiani , from Tbilisi


MOMO from Osaka

Miqu from Nagoya

  • DATE: 8/24 (SAT)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥4000
  • ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000


世界に名を轟かすヨーロッパを代表するテクノ箱Bassianiのレジデント2名が初来日、DJ Nobuをヘッドライナーに迎えた特別な一夜


国内発のレーベル兼プロダクションとして唯一無二の存在となったLiquid Drop Grooveが本公演をサポートする。

ROOM1にはもはや説明不要のスーパースター、日本が生んだテクノヒーローにしてBassianiにおいても重要なポジションを担うDJ NobuがVENTに一年半振りの登場!そして、過去にはBoiller Roomでもパフォーマンスを披露したZittoとKvanchiがBassianiよりラインナップ。Bassiani とトビリシのシーンについては、テキスト最下部に記載するDJ Nobuからのメッセージを一読してほしい。

ROOM2は、活動内容・コンセプト・映像作品などそのアプローチが話題となり本企画を実現させたLiquid Drop Groove主宰のYUTA、世界を旅してきた情緒をテクノで表現する傍ら大阪シーンの底上げにフォーカスした活動を重じているMOMOと、名古屋を拠点にスローテンポ且つディープテクノを軸とする次世代の中で一際輝くMiquが大抜擢。

-Message From DJ NOBU-

2014年に黒海とカスピ海を結んで連なるカフカスの地ジョージアに突如現れたBassiani。 その噂はテクノシーンで瞬く間に広がり翌2015年に私にも白羽の矢が立った。 欧米でしかテクノを体験していなかった私は旧グルジアに一体何が起こっているのか目撃したくなった。





For the first time ever, two residents of the legendary European techno venue Bassiani will be coming to Japan for an exclusive night, headlined by DJ Nobu.

Emerging from the once barren techno landscape of Georgia, Bassiani has spent the past decade establishing itself as a global powerhouse. To mark its 10th anniversary, the iconic venue will be celebrating with a special showcase.

Supporting this event is Liquid Drop Groove, Japan’s premier label and production house.

In Room 1, DJ Nobu, the undisputed superstar of Japan’s techno scene and a key figure at Bassiani, makes his long-awaited return to VENT after a year and a half. Joining him from Bassiani are Zitto and Kvanchi, both of whom have previously graced the stage at Boiler Room. For more insights on Bassiani and the Tbilisi scene, be sure to check out DJ Nobu’s message below.

In Room 2, Liquid Drop Groove’s visionary leader Yuta, known for his groundbreaking activities, concepts, and video works that made this event possible, will be taking the stage. Joining him is Momo, who channels the emotions of global travel into techno while elevating the Osaka scene, and Miqu, a standout talent from Nagoya representing the next generation of slow-tempo, deep techno.

A Message From DJ Nobu:

In 2014, Bassiani burst onto the scene in Georgia, the land of the Caucasus that bridges the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Word of this rising techno force spread rapidly, and by 2015, I was invited to join the project. Having only been exposed to techno in the West, I was eager to witness firsthand the energy and innovation emerging from Georgia.

I had no idea what to expect. My curiosity drove me to go, and for the first time, I felt the relentless energy and unbridled passion of the dancers down to my very core. The atmosphere and the music gripped me with an intensity that was utterly overwhelming.

The mix of social conditions, politics, and history in Tbilisi creates a dance floor fervor like no other. The emotion and sense of liberation felt by the dancers are unmatched. Calling Tbilisi the best in the world is no exaggeration. This passion is something many DJs who have played there find utterly addictive.

I am one of those DJs, having dedicated myself to this scene for the past nine years. I’ve even shed tears, bringing a chair into the booth after surgery in Europe, just to dance my heart out for the first time in two years since the pandemic.

Now, as this unique club marks its 10th anniversary with a world tour, Japan will also be hosting the elite of the Black Iron Mask. Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in the dark, captivating, and powerful sounds of techno.