Whitecat+Space Junk+Aboutjack /from Sydney
Mantra Collective at " The Guest House "
MONAT Taichi Kawahira x Tomoya Watanabe / Brightness
GORO Arabesque Greenling / Snows On Conifer
2BEAT jackbass/GG
sC14 Beat Respect
Let's&GO Takuro Kawakami+Yoshiya Ishiyama/THE GUEST HOUSE
- DATE: 7/15 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- RA
- FB discount : ¥3,000

【 世界中のパーティークラウドからカルト的な支持を集めるMantra Collectiveが、神出鬼没の噂のパーティーTHE GUEST HOUSEに出演!! 】
毎回開催場所を変えながら数多くのパーティークラウドを集め開催するDJトリオKINKY GROOVEによる主催パーティー「THE GUEST HOUSE」が、オーストラリアのダンスミュージックカルチャーを牽引する3人組「Mantra Collective」と再びタッグを組む。
ALPH ZEN、Hiroki Yamada、Yoshiki Funatsuから成るDJユニット「KINKY GROOVE」が不定期に開催するパーティー『THE GUEST HOUSE』。全人類を楽しませる真のパーティーを目指し、自分たちの納得のいくタイミングでジプシーの如く場所を移動し開催。今回は国内最高峰のサウンドシステムを誇り、良質なダンスミュージックパーティーを発信し続けるVENTにて開催する。
今回のゲストDJは前回同様、もはや「KINKY GROOVE」の盟友とも呼べる「Mantra Collective」。ミニマルかつダンサブルなハウストラックで会場を熱狂に包んだ”Whitecat”、”Space Junk”、”Aboutjack”の3名によるユニット。欧州からも注目される独自のパーティー文化の発展がめざましいオーストラリア・シドニーにて数多くのイベント制作、ダンスミュージックコミュニティラジオの運営など幅広く活躍。
郊外の倉庫やカーパークなどのシークレットロケーションにてアンダーグラウンドミュージックを楽しめるレイブ黎明期のような熱量あるパーティーを開催し、Deep House、Tech House、Minimal Technoを中心にVINYLオンリーでプレイするコンセプトのパーティー”Black Gold”や、Dana RuhやEast End Dubs,Varhatなどの先鋭アーティストの招聘、FUSE LONDONのレーベルショーケースなども手掛けている。
またネット上では独自の審美眼でDJ MIXや楽曲をUPしているSound Cloudや、彼らが運営するローカルダンスミュージックコミュニティラジオ「FBi Radio」は、世界中のパーティークラウドよりカルト的な支持を獲得。
DJとしては数多くの主催イベントをこなしながら豪州最大級の野外フェス”Subsonic Music Festival”へ出演するなど積極的に活動。
『ゲストハウスとは世界の旅行者の間でバックパッカーの利用などに主眼を置いた宿泊施設を指して使われることが多い。また迎賓館としての意味合いも含む。』それがKINKY GROOVEが仕掛ける「THE GUEST HOUSE」である。
[ The Mantra Collective have cultivated a cult-like following from partiers the world over, and now they will be making an appearance at the ever elusive party, The Guest House! ]
These elusive “The Guest House” parties change venues each party and are ran and promoted by the DJ trio KINKY GROOVE, and this time around they will be tag teaming with purveyors of Australian Dance Music culture, Mantra Collective.
“The Guest House”
The DJ unit “Kinky Groove”, consisting of ALPH ZEN, Hiroki Yamada and Yoshiki Funatsu, has been randomly holding the renowned party, The Guest House. People from all walks of life come to enjoy this legit party, which moves around and adheres to its own schedule like a band of gypsies. This time around, this live dance music party will rock the world-class sound system at VENT.
Guest DJs will be the same as the previous party with the exception of the addition of Mantra Collective, who can be certifiably called KINKY GROOVE’s accomplices. This three-piece unit consisting of Whitecat, Space Junk and Aboutjack – infamous for their ability to raise the temperature of any dance floor with their minimal yet danceable House sounds. Based in Sydney, but known all over Europe for spreading their unique interpretation of party culture, Mantra Collective have held numerous parties in their native turf and have also been keeping busy running their own dance music community radio station.
Their Black Gold underground parties are usually held at suburban warehouses, parking lots and other secretive locales reminiscent of the bygone rave days, with a party concept that revolves around House, Tech House and Minimal Techno mainly, and is VINYL ONLY! They invite only the most core artists like Dana Ruh, East End Dubs and Varhat, and have also had a hand at Fuse London’s label showcase.
On top of all that, they have uploaded their aesthetically pleasing DJ mixes on SoundCloud, and run a local, community dance music radio station “FBi Radio”, which has a cult-like following from party freaks all over the world.
As DJs the collective hold various events and still find time to make an appearance at Australia’s biggest outdoor event, “Subsonic Music Festival”. They maintain a deep love and respect for the dance music and is transmitted and realized by the crowd through their music, and at long last they will return to Japan.
“Guest House” usually refers to a type of backpacker hostel, but can also mean a formal state guesthouse. With this in mind, KINKY GROOVE took on this name for their parties.
Come and enjoy a night of music and good vibes, brought to you by a DJ and venue crew that you can trust.