

Marco Shuttle
Eerie / Spazio Disponibile

PoleGroup / Falling Ethics

Mind Off 5th Anniversary

Stefano Lotti Equilibrium Lab

Dani Savant Mind Off / Re:invent



Jaime Forson

You Forgot


And more

  • DATE: 5/24 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00

VENTの人気テクノパーティーMind Offが5周年を迎え、Marco ShuttleとTensalを迎えたパーティーを開催

VENTで定期的に開催されてきた人気パーティーMind Offが5周年を迎える!過去のイベントではOscar Mulero、Scuba、Tobias、Pig&Dan、Alex Bau、Kanding Ray、Jonas Koppなどの素晴らしいアクトを迎えて行われてきたが、今回の5周年パーティーにはMarco ShuttleとTensalの2人を迎えて5月24日に開催!

Berghainから日本が誇るThe Labyrinthまで出演し、いまやシーンで神格化される存在となったMarco Shuttleは、南イタリア出身で現在はベルリンを拠点に活動を続けている。名門大学でのファッションの修士号を有し、他のアーティストとは一線を画す美的センスとバックグラウンドを持つ。彼のDJプレイは、実験的なジャズやミュージック・コンクレートからアシッドハウス、デトロイト・テクノまでを見事に融合させ、アブストラクトだが、どこかオーガニック。まさに知性に訴えかけるサウンドとして独自のクリエイティビティが評価され、その人気を絶対的なものにしている。

Tensalはこの20年間で100を超えるリリースをしてきたExiumの片割れでもあるHéctor Sandovalの新しいプロジェクトだ。Tensalはアーティスト名でもあってレーベル名でもある。クラシカルなシンセを取り入れながら、よりモダンなテクノにフォーカスした作品を多くリリースし、世界中のアンダーグラウンドのテクノDJに支持されてきた。彼のDJセットは、様々なテクスチャーやマテリアルが輝きを持って放たれるようであり、テクノの様々な側面を行き来する注目に値する内容だ。

そしてもちろんMind Offからは、おなじみのDani Savant、Stefano LottiとVJ 100LDKがROOM1に登場する。ROOM2にはEree、Jaime Forson、You Forgotといった面々が参加。珠玉のDJ陣が揃えられた、Mind Offの記念すべき5周年を盛大に祝おう!
Let’s do this!


VENT is proud to host the fifth year anniversary of the ever-popular techno party, Mind Off, featuring Marco Shuttle and Tensal!

One of Vent’s most happening parties, Mind Off, is celebrating their 5th Anniversary this month. In the past they have featured highly talented artists like Oscar Mulero, Scuba, Tobias, Pig&Dan, Alex Bau, Kanding Ray, and Jonas Kopp to name a few.


Marco Shuttle holds an almost godly status within the scene, having performed at many prestigious clubs like Berghain as well as one of the top festivals in Japan called Labyrinth.He has always achieved a lot with a little, and that is the singular aesthetic that stands him apart. His cinematic techno sounds are unusually organic: they build pressure in subtle ways and his meticulous grooves never fail to take listeners on a trip to somewhere new and exciting. As a result of this, he has become a firm favourite amongst the techno cognoscenti and has released on some of the most revered labels of the day, from famed New York club The Bunker’s new label to Peter Van Hoesen’s untouchable Time To Express via Clone SOS and his regular home, Eerie Records and lately on fellow Italians Dozzy’s and Neel’s new label, Spazio Disponibile.


Tensal is a new endeavor taken on by Héctor Sandoval, one half of Exium, who has dropped over 100 releases in the past 20 years. Tensal is not only his stage/project name, but also the name of his label. Focusing on more modern techno while incorporating vintage synths, he has released many works that have made him a mainstay within the underground techno scene, where his tracks are notoriously used. His DJ sets cycle through numerous textures and materials with brilliance, crossing over many elements of techno, that mesmerizes every crowd.


And of course, from the Mind Off front, the usual suspects, Dani Savant,and Stefano Lotti, who’s alias Fragmentor has been recently pounding the dance floor at Mind Off. The stylish visuals will this time be produced again by VJ100LDK. The lineup for Room 2 includes Indigo Tribe’s eRee and ME:CA, as well as Jaime Forson and You Forgot who are very well known for rocking every dance floor. Come celebrate 5 whole years of epic partying at Mind Off’s fifth anniversary extravaganza!


Let’s do this!


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.