Nomade Collective
Blunt & kon & y.
Sayo / Naotsun / Tomoya
Takeshi Mizuguchi
Yasuhara Motomiya -Live-
Yukio Kanai -Live-
焚火dub joint (Tyme. / Jyotaro / Takishima / rews)
- DATE: 12/6 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,600
- ADV/前売: ¥2,750
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,100

Nicola Cruzとも共鳴。南米電子音楽の最進化系!Boiler Roomが話題沸騰中の3ピースバンド、Matanzaが初来日
南米産電子音楽の最進化系サウンド、ここにあり!アンデスの伝統音楽とストリートのハウス・サウンドを見事にブレンドした作品が早耳リスナーの心を鷲掴みにし、2016年のBoiler Roomでのパフォーマンスで一躍世界に名を広めることとなったMatanzaが12月6日に行われるGuidanceにて待望の初来日公演を開催!
トリオ編成のMatanzaの実験的な作品は、アンデス地域の伝統的なアコースティック楽器で演奏されるリズム、メロディー、楽曲の構造をエレクトロニック・ミュージックのサンプルと組み合わされることで生まれたものだ。幅広い伝統音楽を取り入れた彼らの音楽は南アメリカ中で大絶賛されている。多くのアンデスの人々との強い結びつきが、ストリートの革新的なハウスのフィルターを通してして多様性を作り上げていったのである。Matanzaのメンバーの一人であるRodrigo Gallardoは、今年のフジロックでも話題になったNicola Cruzとも作品を共作するなど、今の南米産エレクトロニック・ミュージックを語る上で欠かせない人物でもある。
Matanzaを招聘するパーティー、Guidance ~導き導かれる人生~は、繋がる、楽しむ、分かち合う、笑う、喜ぶ、絆、敬う、希望といった様々な想いを、皆で導き導かれるように共有し、人と人が出逢う至福の瞬間を一人でも多くの方に感じて欲しいということをテーマにしている。パーティーの開催に人生の半分以上を捧げてきたオーガーナイザーは、これしか継続して続けれてこれなかったという熱い想いの元で毎回のパーティーを作り上げてきた。だからこそ、このパーティーには繋がる事の大切さや喜びや幸せが存在しているのだ。
On the cutting edge of South American electronic music, Matanza have won the support of fellow artists like Nicola Cruz. Now, the trio that absolutely lit Boiler Room will be making their Japan debut, only at VENT!
On the cutting edge of South American electronic music, Matanza have won the support of fellow artists like Nicola Cruz. Now, the trio that absolutely lit Boiler Room will be making their Japan debut, only at VENT!
Right here is the most high-tech, electronic sounds in South America! Matanza, who have brilliantly blended traditional Andean music with house sounds straight off the streets, have grabbed the hearts of their early listeners and since their massive Boiler Room performance back in 2016, their name has spread all over the world like wild fire – we’ve been waiting a long time for them to come to Japan, and finally our prayers have been answered, as they will be attacking the dance floor at Guidance, only at Omotesando VENT on December 6th, so brace yourself!
The experimental works of Matanza experimental work was born by melding the rhythm, melody, and compositions of music played with traditional acoustic instruments from the Andes region with electronic music samples. Their music, which incorporates a wide variety of traditional music, is highly acclaimed all over South America. With deep connections with the many peoples of the Andes region, filtered through the innovative house sounds of the street, they come up with some highly diverse creations. On of Matanza’s members, Rodrigo Gallardo, co-produced some work with Nicola Cruz, who was a hot topic at this year’s Fuji Rock and is an integral part of the current South American electronic scene.
Guidance (The Guided Life), the party that will featuring Matanza, as a concept aims to share a plethora of emotions, such as connecting with others, happiness, sharing, laughing, joy, bonding, respect, hope, and more – the idea is to have as many people as possible experience a moment of bless when they first meet. The organizer, who has devoted more than half of his their life to throwing parties, has been highly devoted to ensure that each party is packed with positive emotion. So that is why it is extra important to have the concepts of joy and happiness be firmly connected to the party.
The fierce sounds created by the combination of drums and bass evoke images of the South American jungle, and along with the rhythmic jumping and the sounds of Andean flutes and Charango, all come together to make for one epic, live performance! Everything starts the moment you step in; and from that moment you will know that if you will it, you can change your life.