Matthew Dear
Iori Wakasa Dessous / Get Physical / Saw / Highgrade
Mustache X Fake Eyes Production
YØSHI Into The Woods / Clione
GORO Arabesque Greenling / Snows On Conifer
Ryu Furiya _&Co.
- DATE: 5/6 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- FB discount : ¥3,000

【 Chemical Brothers、The XXまでもがリミックスを依頼する、時代の寵児” Matthew Dear “が6年ぶりに来日!! 】
リリースする作品は圧倒的な高評価を獲得、自身が率いるバンドは世界中のオーディエンスを昇天させ、稀代のレーベルGohstly Internationalを率いる才人、Matthew Dear!今年の2月に発表されたDJ Kicksの最新ミックスでもシーンを牽引する存在感を示したなか、ゴールデンウィークのVENTに出演が決定!
ダンスミュージックのプロデューサー、エクスペリメンタルなポップアーティスト、バンドリーダーと様々な顔を持ち、さらにはGhostly InternationalレーベルとSpectral Soundレーベルの両方の共同設立者でもあるMatthew Dear。過去に発表したアルバムはNY Times、PitchforkやRolling Stone誌などの有名誌を筆頭に常に高評価を獲得。ジャンルに囚われず、常にリスナーの期待を良い意味で裏切る作品をリリースし続けてきた時代の寵児が遂にVENTでプレイ!!
Matthew Dear - much beloved remixer of countless Chemical Brothers tracks up until "The XX" - returns to Japan for the first time in 6 years!
His releases have been overwhelmingly acclaimed, his band has been well received by audiences all across the world, and is co-founder of the phenomenal Ghostly International – this is the profile of the highly versatile Matthew Dear! His recent February mix for the DJ Kicks serious has re-energized his presence in the scene, and this Golden Week he will show those chops at VENT!
Dance music producer, experimental Pop artist, band leader, and co-founder of not only Ghostly International, but Spectral Sound as well – these are the many faces of Matthew Dear. His past works have received rave reviews in world famous publications like the New York Times, Rolling Stone and Pitchfork. Unencumbered by genres and styles, he always faithfully brings to the audience what they want to hear, and now – finally – his exceptional skills will be displayed to you at VENT!