Nick the Record
All Night Set
Souta Raw
- DATE: 3/1 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000
来日25周年を迎えたNick the Recordが紡ぐ珠玉のオールナイト・セット
Nick the Recordは、93年に日本のウェアハウス・パーティーの先駆けであるLifeforceに初来日して以来、90年代UKクラブカルチャー”レイヴ”の真髄と、ディスコを礎にした現行クラブカルチャーの進化を僕らと共有してきた。
TAICOCLUBのような野外ステージに舞うブリージンなカリビアン・ディスコや、煙たい地下の匂いが漂うべニューで体感したコズミックなレフトフィールド、それともハウス愛に包まれたベースラインに揺れるあの子の腰つき。全てはまだ若くトランスキッズだった僕らが、それと同様の恍惚を見出し、傾倒していったNick the Recordという現象の一端だ。
その現象は、今日まで25年という長い年月、流動的な日本のシーンに鎮座し、そのユースカルチャーの激流に研磨されながら輝きを増し続けている。彼のセットが僕らを育んだように、僕らが彼のセットを育み、彼のopen to lastのプレイを最も理解しているフロアがここに在ると感じる。DJとクラウド、互いの信頼関係こそが、明け方のカタルシスの開放に必要だ。さあ25年目のNick the Recordを体験しよう。
Text: Timothy Really
Nick the Record will be performing an all-night set to commemorate 25 years since first playing in Japan!
Nick the Record first came to Japan in 1993 to perform at Lifeforce, one of the pioneering warehouse parties in Japan. Since then, he has shared with Japan the essence of UK club and rave culture, along with the ever-evolving current club culture with nice dose of Disco at its core.
Dancing to the beats of Caribbean Disco at an outside festival like TAICOCLUB; veering into leftfield while enraptured by cosmic forces in a smoky underground venue; surrounded by House lovers and watching booties shake to the bassline. When we were still young rave/club kids, the phenomenon that is Nick the Record was helping to create that ecstatic timeline.
Nick the Record will forever be enshrined in the Japanese scene for his influence that has spanned for a quarter-century, as he continues to take in what is fresh within the youth-culture of today and deliver it in his own unique and spectacular fashion. We were brought up on his sets, and his sets were brought up by us; the dance floor is the place to realize and actualize the gravity and emotion of his all-night sets. The connection between the DJ and crowd during an all-night set is cathartic. Come experience 25 years of history with Nick the Record’s all-night set at VENT, on March 1st.