

Dan Andrei


AOKI Takamasa

Massa & Junya


Ready or not


  • DATE: 2/10 (MON)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥4000
  • ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000


RPR Soundsystem好き必見!ミニマル界の異端児、Dan Andrei


過去に、CAPやHerodot、Gescuなどルーマニアを代表するアーティストを紹介してきたパーティー”BOHEMIAN GROVE”。今後、アンダーグラウンドのシーンにおいて世界トップレベルのアーティストのみにフォーカスすることを掲げ、”.NISOO”に名義変更後、初めての開催。

ROOM1では、日本国内において最も人気の高いミニマルアーティストの一人、AOKI takamasaを大阪より招聘。これまでに、国内外でDan Andreiと幾度となく共演し、その度に最高の空間を作り上げた二人のプレイは必見。BOHEMIAN GROVEからのレジデントであるMASSAとJUNYAのB2Bのオープニングセットも見逃せない。

ROOM2では、TRESVIBESのオーガナイズ兼レジデントであるPi-geと、昨年2周年のアニバーサリーを渋谷のMitsukiで開催し、大きな反響を呼んだReady or notのconnorとSht。アジアのローカルミュージックシーンを紹介するOntai media主宰のYos.とこちらも盤石の布陣で、ミニマルミュージックを堪能できる一夜となる。

A must-see for RPR Soundsystem fans! Minimalist phenom Dan Andrei is coming to VENT!

He was the first artist on the influential [a:rpia:r] label outside its three founders, with Ricardo giving his tracks heavy play. Yet, his true brilliance is widely acknowledged in his DJ performances. Now, after a decade-long absence, his highly anticipated return to Japan is finally here!

Bohemian Grove, previously known for showcasing Romania’s top talents like CAP, Herodot, and Gescu, is rebranding as .NISOO, shifting its focus entirely to world-class artists in the underground scene.

In Room 1, Aoki Takamasa, one of Japan’s most celebrated minimal artists, has been invited from Osaka. Known for his numerous collaborations with Dan Andrei both in Japan and internationally, their performances consistently deliver an unparalleled atmosphere, making this a must-see event. Additionally, the opening B2B set by Massa and Junya, both residents of the former Bohemian Grove, promises to set the tone for an unforgettable night.

In Room 2, Pi-ge, the organizer and resident of Tresvibes, will take the stage alongside Connor and Sht. of Ready or Not, who celebrated their second anniversary with a highly praised event at Mitsuki in Shibuya last year. Joining them will be Ontai, who highlights the local music scenes across Asia, and Yos, rounding out a diverse and exciting lineup.