



Motoki a.k.a. Shame Lose Yourself


MX blackmaps / mild bunch

Fraser Cooke mild bunch

Daisuke G.

  • DATE: 5/17 (THU)
  • OPEN: 21:00

日本が世界に誇るファッションブランド sacai と、4年連続 ”世界No1"の偉業を成し遂げた、押しも押されぬTOP DJ、Dixon がコラボレーション・パーティーを開催。

※ sacaiとdixonのコラボレーション限定プルオーバー先行発売!!

※ 大変混雑が予想されますので、前売券のご購入をお勧め致します。

運命の出会いとはこういうことを言うのかもしれない。Dixonとsacai、方やエレクトロニック・ミュージックを通して、方やファッションを通して、常に斬新な切り口で世界中からラブコールの絶えない両者が、様々なカルチャーが混じり合う表参道VENTで、5月17日にコラボレーション・パーティー” TOGETHER WE DANCE ALONE “を開催する。さらには、本イベントを記念して両者のコラボレーションによる、超プレミアムなDixonモデルの限定プルオーバーを先行発売決定!!

エレクトロニック・ミュージック・マガジンの世界的権威、Resident Advisorの読者投票で4年連続ベストDJ1位に選出され、名実ともに世界の頂点に立ち凄まじい人気を誇るDJ、Dixon。キャリア初期にはAtari Teen Age RiotのパーティーでDJをしていたり、Jazzanova率いるSonar Kollektiveに所属していたりとベルリンのシーンの中心部から活動を開始していた。ファッションにもこだわりが強いのは有名で、その独特なセンスは個性的なオーディエンスの多いベルリンのクラブでも目立つ存在だったという。2005年には盟友であるÂmeの二人とともにInnervisionsを発足。独自の審美眼で厳選された作品をリリースする超優良レーベルとして活動したり、古城や離島、博物館など非日常的な場所で開催するパーティーLost In Momentを主催するなど、常にオーディエンスに特別な瞬間を提供し続けている。



※ 本公演は20歳未満のお客様はご入場頂けません。予めご了承ください

Collaboration party of world-class Japanese fashion brand “sacai” and Top DJ “Dixon”!!

※ Limited pullover for this event is on sale.
※ We advise you to purchase advanced ticket due to significant congestion.
Top class DJ, Dixon who serves superb electro music to the world and a Japanese clothing brand, sacai which brings beautiful garment will throw collaboration party “TOGETHER WE DANCE ALONE”on May 17th at VENT Omotesando. If this is not a fate, what could be. So, for this special event, they decided to release a limited pullover of the super premium Dixon model.
As many know, Dixon is a world-class top DJ who has been awarded the best DJ for the fourth consecutive year on electronic music magazine, Resident Advisor. At the beginning of his career, he started from the center of the scene in Berlin, as he was DJing at the party of Atari Teen Age Riot and belonging to Sonar Kollektive led by Jazzanova. He is famous for his strong commitment to fashion, and his distinctive sense has been prominent in Berlin’s clubs. In 2005, “Innervisions” was established by Dixon and Âme. The label constantly acts as a superior label releasing works carefully selected with their own aesthetic sense, and organizing a party called “Lost In A Moment” which is held in unusual places such as old castles, remote islands, museums, etc.
Fashion brand sacai is one of the strongest Japanese brand which sold in more than 40 countries worldwide. Based on its concept “a design that stands on everyday,” the designer Abe Chidori has been producing the unique garments which mixes different standard materials. Its style is supported by both men and women, and brand always gets high degree of attention at Fashion Week. Definitely one of the best designers in a fashion industry, Abe was invited to former President Obama ‘s White House.
A style which does not stick to the existing way and truly follows one’s vision is something Dixon and sacai have in common even they are in different industries. This is a dream collab and you don’t have any way to miss it.
※ You must be 20 or over to attend this event.


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.