










  • DATE: 10/11 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥4000
  • ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000


次世代なサウンドのリリースを続ける2名のヘッドライナー TADANとVECTOR FIELDが揃って来日


リトアニアのテクノ/トランスシーンの灯台的存在のアーティストであるTADANと、フランス拠点で幾多のアルバムとEPをリリースし続けるVECTOR FIELDを招集しSECTが新たな音楽体験への接続を試みる。

ROOM1のヘッドライナーとして召喚されるのは、ロンドン拠点の新興レーベル”area127”を共同設立メンバーであるDriven By Attractionと共に始動したリトアニア在住プロデューサーのTADAN。エネルギッシュなリズムが中心でありながら催眠的で様々な要素を融合させた彼の音楽は、シーンに登場してから瞬く間に噂が広まりBerghainやEU各国で招集される存在と成長している。もう一人のヘッドライナーは、フランスで1990年代から活動を開始し、自身の名前を冠したレーベルや数多のレーベルから膨大なリリースを続ける孤高のプロデューサーVECTOR FIELD。現行のテクノからの解釈でミニマルテクノの極地に達した作品群を世に放つVECTOR FIELDが披露するDJ SETでの世界観に期待が高まる。

加えて、札幌から世界へとネットワークを広げるOCCA、北九州で“sound space α”を運営し国内外のシーンへ発信を続けるYSK、SECT 主宰者両名がこの個性溢れるヘッドライナーを迎える。

ROOM2には、出身地熊本から東京に拠点を移し様々なジャンルを横断しながら有機的・催眠性を追求するSIBEL。Mitsukiで主催する「Depth」やSIBELと共に「NUCKLE」を主催し安定したプレイから各所でプレイを続けるTEPPEI。Dubへの解釈が落とし込まれたジャンルレスな選曲が光るykah。北九州のDJ BAR HIVE /sound space αでキャリアを始め、Shiori Kanekoから名義を変え現在は東京拠点で活動する8AMらの4名がプレイする。

次世代の音楽体験への接続を試み続けてきたテクノパーティSECTが、新進気鋭の国内勢とTADAN / VECTOR FIELD2名の前衛アーティストを招集し未体験ゾーンを提示する。

OCCA/YSK presents SECT: an event showcasing a cutting-edge lineup of avant-garde techno and trance artists!

Tadan, a prominent figure in Lithuania’s techno and trance scene, and Vector Field, the France-based artist with numerous acclaimed releases, are set to take the stage. Together, they’ll push boundaries and craft an entirely new musical experience.
Headlining Room 1 is Lithuania-based producer Tadan, co-founder of the London-based label area127. His music, known for its hypnotic, rhythmic energy, draws from a diverse range of influences, resulting in a distinct and captivating sound. Since breaking onto the scene, Tadan has quickly gained recognition, earning invites to play at renowned venues like Berghain, cementing his place in the European techno circuit.

Also sharing the spotlight is Vector Field, a veteran French producer who has been active since the 1990s. With a prolific catalog of releases on his own label and others, Vector Field has consistently delivered music that resonates deeply within the minimal techno world. His DJ sets are highly anticipated, known for expertly interpreting and evolving minimal techno through a modern lens. The crowd can expect a masterclass in the genre’s progression, reflecting decades of experience and innovation.

In Room 2, you’ll find a diverse and talented lineup. Sibel, originally from Kumamoto and now based in Tokyo, has been exploring organic and hypnotic sounds while seamlessly blending various genres. Joining will be Teppei, the organizer of “Depth” with Mitsuki and “NUCKLE” with Sibel, known for his consistent and captivating playing style across different venues. Ykah, whose genre-defying music selection is elevated by his unique interpretation of dub, will also be performing. Rounding out the room is 8AM, formerly known as Shiori Kaneko, who began her career at DJ Bar Hive/sound space α in Kitakyushu and is now making waves in Tokyo. These four DJs will deliver an unforgettable night of eclectic sounds.

SECT, a cutting-edge techno party pushing the boundaries of musical innovation, will unite rising Japanese talents with avant-garde artists Tadan and Vector Field. Together, they will weave an experimental space designed to connect to the next generation of sonic experiences.