

Session Victim - Live -
Delusions Of Grandeur / Retreat

Midori Aoyama EUREKA!


Frankie $ HNH/N.O.S.

Phenol RICEBALL | yygcru

hiroshi kinoshita EUREKA!

Ueno Charterhouse Records/sheep

Toji Morimoto SABO


  • DATE: 7/20 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00

極上のセンスとグルーブを披露する欧州No.1 ” 二人組のハウスバンド ”、Session Victim

身も心も委ねられる素晴らしいグルーヴや、魔法のようにフロアがうねるような印象的で斬新な瞬間をパーティーで味わったことはあるだろうか?最高の音楽と二人の親しみやすいキャラで世界中のオーディエンスを笑顔に変えてきたSession Victimが7月20日のVENTにライブセットで登場!

生粋のヴァイナルディガーにして、自称スタジオオタクであるSession Victimの二人は欧州No1の” 二人組のハウスバンド ”だ。結成してこの10年間にリリースした3作のアルバムはResident AdvisorやXLR8Rなど世界的メディアの年間ベストに選出されてきた。Panorama Bar、Fabric、Cieloなどの世界的なクラブをはじめ、日本でもAirやRainbow Disco Clubなどに出演し、マジカルなパフォーマンスを披露してきた。

ホコリまみれのレコードからお宝を見つけ出し、それらをサンプリングして制作する極上の作品と、レコード愛に満ち溢れたDJセット、そしてその音楽センスとワイルドな個性を刻み込んだライブパフォーマンスで世界中の音楽ラヴァーに愛され続けるSession Victim。人生が変わるかもしれない瞬間を彼らのライブセットの中で体験してもらいたい!

With an impeccable sense for selecting groove-filled tracks, the number one two-piece House band in all of Europe, Session Victim, will be showing off their chops at Omotesando VENT!

Have you ever been to a party and been overcome by an overwhelming wall of sound that just thrusts your body and mind headlong into a magical, trance-like state? Session Victim will do that to you. The super friendly duo with superb ear for amazing music are also renown and respected for bringing smiles across audiences’ faces on dance floors all over the world, and now we are proud to host them as they perform a live set at VENT on July 20th!

These guys are natural-born crate diggers! Session Victim are self-proclaimed studio geeks who haven risen to the status of the number one House band duo in Europe. Since they joined forces more than 10 years ago, they’ve released three albums, which have all garnered much acclaim from the like of Resident Advisor and XLR8R and many more media outlets across the globe. They played at world-class clubs like Panorama Bar, Fabric, and Cielo, and have executed some magical performances at Air and Rainbow Disco Club here in Japan.

Old, dust-covered vinyls are like treasure to these guys – sample it and produce a work of art! Their DJ sets are full of love for both their records and their audience, and it you’ll can tell through their carefully thought selections filled with each of the duo’s personal tastes. Session Victim just may change your life, so be sure to experience their live set, here at VENT!