Takaaki Itoh
Drunken Kong
Dani Savant
Naoki Fujii
VJ comboy
- DATE: 10/26 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4000
- ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
- → Live Pocket
※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.
※前売券の販売はイベント開催の前日23:59までです。 - BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000

【大人気のテクノパーティーSHAPEとMIND OFF がハロウィンナイトを今年も開催!】
DUB FIREやOSCAR MULEROを筆頭に多くの海外アーティストを招聘してきたSHAPEとMIND OFFが今年もコラボレーションパーティーを開催!
ROOM1には、 BERGHAINでの KLUBNACHT をはじめ欧州各国でも高い評価を得る世界に誇る日本のアングラテクノキングTAKAAKI ITOHが久々にVNETへカムバック!フェスティバルMATRICARIAのレジデントDJとして活動するNAOKI FUJIIもプレイする。加えてパーティーを主催する2組のアーティスト、著名レーベルからのリリースでプロデューサーとしても国内外で活躍するDRUNKEN KONGと、本年のMind OffのアニバーサリーパーティーでAdiel待望の初来日を手がけたDani Savantがラインナップ。
ROOM2には、ハウス/テクノなどイーブンキックを軸にグレッシブかつ、グルーヴィーなサウンドのRINALUCKY、CARAVANのレジデントとして各国のトップアーティストをオーガナイズし共演を重ねてきたKOTTAN、Radio Slave等の来日サポートを行いフロアを常に意識した柔軟かつ遊び心のある選曲に定評のあるHIZAT、ミニマル/ディープハウスからサイケデリックなテクノまで幅広くプレイするTOCHAN、英国でキャリアをスタートし現在は東京を拠点に活動、本年は新しいレーベルA Sky Full of Numbersも立ち上げるSBatがプレイする。
Popular techno events Shape and Mind Off are teaming up once again for a special Halloween night!
Known for hosting international heavyweights like Dubfire and Oscar Mulero, this collaboration promises to deliver an unforgettable experience.
In Room 1, world-renowned Japanese underground techno king Takaaki Itoh, who has earned high acclaim at European venues like Klubnacht at Berghain, will make his long-awaited return to VENT after a long hiatus! Also joining the lineup is Naoki Fujii, resident DJ of the Matricaria festival. Additionally, two of the party’s organizers will take the stage: Drunken Kong, a producer with releases on prominent labels who is active both in Japan and abroad, and Dani Savant, who made his highly anticipated first appearance in Japan this year for Mind Off’s anniversary party.
In Room 2, we have Rinalucky, known for her progressive, groove-laden sound blending house, techno, and other four-on-the-floor styles. Kottan, a resident of Caravan, has organized and performed alongside top international artists. Hizat, recognized for his flexible and playful music selections, always keeps the floor in mind and frequently supports artists like Radio Slave when they’re in Japan. Tochan will bring a wide range of sounds, from minimal/deep house to psychedelic techno, while SBat, who started his career in the U.K. and is now based in Tokyo, will showcase his style. This year, SBat also launched his new label, A Sky Full of Numbers.