VJ comboy
- DATE: 6/29 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4500
- ADV/前売: ¥3000 (priority entry / 優先入場)
- → Live Pocket
※No ticket will be sold at the door if ADV tickets are sold out.
※前売券が完売の場合、当日券の販売はありません - BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000

MODESELEKTOR、Ben Klockもプッシュ!フロア激震の鋼鉄グルーブ。LAハード・ミニマルの雄、TRUNCATE
今回はヨーロッパを筆頭に世界中でのDJとしての活躍と、著名レーベルからのリリースでプロデューサーとしても国内外で活躍するDRUNKEN KONGが主宰するテクノパーティーSHAPEへ登場する。
ROOM1には、VENTでも大人気のテクノパーティーMind Offを主宰するDani Savant 、ハウス/テクノなどイーブンキックを軸にグレッシブかつ、グルーヴィーなサウンドのRINALUCKY、本パーティーSHAPEを主宰するDRUNKEN KONGがラインナップ。
ROOM2には、グルービーでアップリフティングなテクノ/テックハウス中心の選曲でRichie HawtinやBen Simsの来日サポートを務めたJUN、テクノ・ハウスを中心にロングミックス・ハイテンポにミックスするavion、CARAVANのレジデントとして各国のトップアーティストをオーガナイズし共演を重ねてきたKOTTAN、東京とソウルを中心に活動しテクノを軸にミニマルからハードまでシーンに合わせてプレイするYuxi、ミニマル/ディープハウスからサイケデリックなテクノまで幅広くプレイするTOCHANが登場する。
LA’s Truncate is truly a hard minimal master with grooves of solid steel that have gained critical acclaim from the likes of Ben Klock, Modeselektor and more! Now brace yourselves as he brings the ruckus to the dancefloor at VENT!
Continuing to garner acclaim from underground techno circles worldwide, including the revered Berghain, his refined yet powerful beats promise an unforgettable experience!
Truncate is slated to perform at the techno party, Shape, orchestrated by Drunken Kong, a DJ with a global footprint in Europe and beyond, and a prolific producer whose tracks have dropped on renowned labels both domestically and internationally.
Room 1 will feature Dani Savant, the mastermind behind VENT’s beloved techno bash, Mind Off. Also playing will be Rinalucky, renowned for her progressive and groove-filled beats spanning house and techno. Joining them will be Drunken Kong, the force behind Shape, ready to ignite the dancefloor.
In Room 2, we have Jun, known for his electrifying sets that have supported Richie Hawtin and Ben Sims in Japan, delivering a blend of wild and uplifting techno and tech-house. Joining him is avion, who skillfully merges tech-house with long mixes and high tempos to keep the energy soaring. Kottan, a resident at Caravan, brings his expertise in organizing and performing with top artists from around the globe. Yuxi, a fixture in Tokyo and Seoul, stays ahead of the curve with her dynamic sets ranging from minimal to hard techno. Lastly, Tochan will take the stage, offering a diverse selection of music from minimal and deep house to psychedelic techno.