Space Dimension Controller
Frankie $ N.O.S.
Ren Yokoi World Connection
Satoshi Matsui No House?
Butch Huit Etoiles
masatonagumo Sta.
Philippe ochsner
- DATE: 7/27 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

Aphex TwinやLFOの血を継ぐ神童、Space Dimension Controller
まさに彗星の如くシーンに登場し、名門R&Sレーベルからのデビューアルバムでその名をシーンに強烈に焼き付けたSpace Dimension Controllerが7月27日のVENTに初登場!宇宙的存在が繰り広げる”2019年、宇宙の旅”へいざ出発!
Space Dimension Controllerは宇宙的な存在であり、自身の持つサイバーパンクな美的感覚でダンスミュージックの伝統を刺激してきた。地球においてはNinja Tune、R&S、Dekmantel、Cloneなどの人気レーベルから作品をリリースし、この銀河系で多くのファンを獲得してきた。彼は今までに国際的に大きなフェスティバルやクラブにも出演を重ねてきた。レーザーを用いたFlorescent Trailsというショーは多くの批評家から絶賛を受け、地球上の地元であるイギリスのベルファストから放送されたBoiler Roomの映像は生放送を含めると述べ400万回以上再生されてきたという。
SF映画やアニメに大きな影響を受けたSpace Dimension Controllerが創り上げた世界には、エレクトロとディスコ、ハウス、テクノ、IDMそしてアンビエントが詰まっている。それらがDJプレイを通してコズミックなエナジーが溢れるギャラクティック・サウンドとなり、宇宙的な愛と共にオーディエンスに届けられるのだ。Space Dimension Controllerの創り出す未来空間をぜひフロアでダイレクトに体験してほしい!
Following in the footsteps of Aphex Twin and LFO, prodigy Space Dimension Controllers will be making his way to VENT!
Space Dimension Controller appeared on the scene like a comet, and after releasing his debut album on the venerable R&S his name would be burned into the scene, so as not to be forgotten. Now Space Dimension Controller will be arriving at VENT, on July 27th! Truly an extraterrestrial being, in 2019 we will set off on a cosmic journey!
Space Dimension Controller is an extraterrestrial being who has taken the cyberpunk aesthetic and applied it to the dance music tradition. On Earth, he has released on popular, terrestrial labels such as Ninja Tunes, R&S, Dekmantel, Clone, etc., helping him secure a large fan base in this galaxy. He has played a numerous large-scale festivals all throughout of humble planet. His laser-powered Florescent Trails show has garnered him high acclaim from many a critic, and in he also broadcasted on Boiler Room from his Earth HQ of Belfast, UK to over 4 million users!
Space Dimension Controller has been massively influenced by both Sci-fi movies and anime, all of which has assisted him creating a whole other world that is jam-packed with elements of electro, disco, house, techno, IDM, and ambient. All this is transmitted through his DJ sets that feature intergalactic soundscapes that are overflowing with cosmic energy, which fills the audience with love straight from outer space. So come join us and travel into the future that only Space Dimension Controller can create, and experience an unforgettable night.