The Mole - Live -
Yoshinori Hayashi Smalltown Supersound /Going Good
Knock KEWL / Sound Of Vast
Frankie $ KEWL / N.O.S.
Installation by Akari Uragami
Chee Shimizu
Atsushi Yamazaki Mind off bitches
Satoshi Matsui No House?
Philippe Ochsner
- DATE: 4/5 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

Mathew Jonsonの盟友にしてMaybe Tomorrowレーベルを率いるカナダの最重要アーティスト、The MoleがKEWLでLive Setを披露!
20年を超えるキャリアを持つThe Moleは、地元の盟友であるMathew Jonsonと共に組んだバンドModern Deep Left Quartet やCobblestone Jazzがここ日本でも有名だろう。Perlon、Ostgut Ton、Slices of Life、Sound Of Vastそして長年のホームであるWagon Repairから数多くの傑作をリリースしてきた才人が4月5日に開催されるKEWLに待望のLive Setでの出演が決定!!
東京でライヴセットを披露するのは実に3年半ぶり。DJとしてのキャリアも確立しているThe Moleだが、真骨頂とも言えるライヴはより高い純度のハウスミュージックに我々を没頭させてくれる特別な夜になるだろう。
The Moleが今回出演するパーティーKEWLは、この1年間にVakula、Hunee、Tom Trago、Sochi Terada、Shinichiro Yokota、Legoweltなどの素晴らしいアクトを招聘したパーティーを成功させ、東京のシーンに新たなムーヴメントを提示してきた。今回はSmalltown Supersoundからも作品をリリースし国内外で高い評価を獲得している異才Yoshinori Hayashi、そしてKEWLのレジデントであるKnock、EITA、Frankie $、さらにはRoom 2へのゲストアクトとして今年Dekmantel Selectorsへの出演も決定しているChee Shimizuが出演し、東京屈指のアーティストたちがThe Moleとともに春の東京をカラフルに彩る!
Friend and accomplice of Mathew Jonson, leader of record label Maybe Tomorrow, The Mole is one of Canada’s most important artists, and he’s set to perform live at KEWL!
With a career spanning more than 20 years, The Mole teamed up with hometown friend and musical accomplice Mathew Jonson to found bands Modern Deep Left Quartet and Cobblestone Jazz, which have quite the following here in Japan. He’s also released masterpieces on many a well-renown labels like Perlon, Ostgut Ton, Slices of Life, and Wagon Repair. So, get ready for an unforgettable highly-anticipated live set at Omotesando VENT, on April 5th!
It’s been over three-and-a-half years since The Mole has performed a live set in Tokyo. As he is also quite the accomplished DJ, it’s an exceptional treat to be able to see the man in action, live! No doubt, it will be a very special night of house vibes.
The Mole will be headlining KEWL, a party that has within the last year successfully brought over amazing act such as Vakula, Hunee, Tom Trago, Soichi Terada, Shinichiro Yokota, and Legowelt, bringing about a new movement within the Tokyo scene. Also playing at KEWL will be Yoshinori Hayashi, who’s release on Smalltown Supersound has garnered a lot of positive feedback from both home and abroad, as well as KEWL residents Knock, EITA, Frankie $, and furthermore in room two, local Tokyo artist Chee Shimizu, who’s locked in a set at this year’s Dekmantel Selectors will be spinning. We look forward to hosting an epic Tokyo springtime party at VENT!