Midori Aoyama
Mazlika Mnchr-m / A.N.D.
- DATE: 3/19 (WED)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥5000
- ADV/前売: ¥3500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
- → Live Pocket
※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.
※前売券の販売はイベント開催の前日23:59までです。 - BEFORE 24:00 : ¥3000

日本でもお馴染みのハウスミュージックの祭典、Body&SOULのメンバーにして、Herbie HancockやRadioheadも注目するリビングレジェンド。
今回は” HOME COMING 2025 Japan Tour – The Return of Sacred Rhythm Music & Cosmic Arts.“と名付けられた彼にとって久々のソロでのジャパンツアーの一環として東京公演がVENTにて開催される。
オープニングは自身のパーティー/レーベル Eureka!やTsubaki fmを主宰し昨年はVENTでもRon Trent の来日サポートを務めたMidori Aoyamaが登場。
ROOM2では、現在は富山へ移住し北陸三県を中心にした適当なコレクティブ「Y」を始動したshunhor、過去のJOAQUIN JOE CLAUSSEL来日公演へも出演したHeaven、踊りや楽曲の製作、ファッションやアートとの関わりを通じて、自己表現スタイルを追求するMazlika、2022年より渋谷で活動をスタートし英Netil radioや中国のBaihui radioへも出演するkaoliniteがプレイする。
Get ready for an exclusive, extended set by New York deep house maestro Joaquin Joe Claussell—only at VENT!
As a member of Body & Soul, a renowned house music festival, he is a living legend who has earned recognition from artists like Herbie Hancock and Radiohead.
This time, he will be performing in Tokyo as part of the Home Coming 2025 Japan Tour – The Return of Sacred Rhythm Music & Cosmic Arts. The highly anticipated solo Japan tour will make a stop at VENT for an unforgettable night.
Opening the show will be Midori Aoyama, who runs the party and label Eureka! as well as Tsubaki FM, and previously supported Ron Trent at VENT in Japan last year.
In Room 2, shunhor, who has relocated to Toyama and launched “Y,” an independent collective focusing on the three Hokuriku prefectures; Heaven, who has performed at Joaquin Joe Claussell’s past shows in Japan; Mazlika, who expresses themselves through dance, music production, fashion, and art; and kaolinite, who has been active in Shibuya since 2022 and has appeared on Netil Radio in the UK and Baihui Radio in China.