

Tama Sumo × Lakuti


I-BEAR' subConscious





  • DATE: 11/15 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥4000
  • ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000


超強力ダブルヘッドライナー!聖地 Panorama Barの看板アクトTama Sumo と、ベルリン音楽シーンの影の立役者Lakuti


共演には、ハウスを主軸としながらレンジの広い独自の審美眼による選曲と確かなミックススキルと構成力と常に途切れることのないポジティブなグルーヴでフロアとの境界線を徐々に曖昧に変化させるプレイで信頼を集めるK.E.Gと、デトロイト / シカゴ / アシッドを中心にプレイし現在は青山蜂にてsubConsciousを主宰するI-BEAR’がラインナップ。

ROOM2では、ディープ/ソウルフルなハウスを中心に都内で活動するMINAMI、青山蜂でハウスパーティーSunshine Underground を主宰するTerax、渋谷を拠点にハウスを軸にプレイするLui、ダンス経験を活かした”踊れる”音楽をテーマに幅広いジャンルの選曲でプレイする永z遼がプレイする。

A dynamic double headliner is coming to VENT! Tama Sumo, the iconic resident of Berlin's legendary

Panorama Bar, and Lakuti, a key figure in the Berlin music scene, will perform together for an unforgettable B2B.

These two top-tier DJs, who have earned immense respect within the global DJ community, will deliver an exceptional B2B set once again, promising an incredible musical experience.
K.E.G., known for his eclectic house music selection, blending a wide range of tracks with his signature style, will bring his seamless mixing, thoughtful compositions, and consistently positive grooves to the floor. His ability to blur the boundaries between the DJ booth and the crowd has made him a trusted figure in the scene. Joining him is I-BEAR’, who currently runs subConscious at Aoyama Hachi, adding his unique touch to the lineup.

In Room 2, Minami, known for dropping deep and soulful house sets across Tokyo, will be performing alongside Terax, the organizer of the house party Sunshine Underground at Aoyama Hachi. Joining them will be Lui, a Shibuya-based DJ who focuses on house music, and Ryo Nagase, whose sets span a variety of genres with a foundation in “danceable” music, drawing from his background in dance.


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.