Francesco Tristano
VINO Inhale Love
avion INTENTION / Acid Beat Squad
- DATE: 11/30 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4000
- ADV/前売: ¥2500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
- → Live Pocket
※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.
※前売券の販売はイベント開催の前日23:59までです。 - BEFORE 24:00 : ¥2000

クラシックからテクノまでを横断する世界的ピアニスト Francesco Tristano
Derrick MayやMORITZ VON OSWALDなど巨匠達との作品や、ピアニストならではの圧巻のライブパフォーマンスで唯一無二の存在感を持つ芸術家。
国内からは、名古屋を拠点に国内外で活躍しアルゼンチンの至宝 HERNAN CATTANEOも認めるDJ OGAWA、テクノを軸に優雅な選曲幅と正確で安定したミキシングのUTA、プログレッシブハウスを中心にエモーショナルなDJセットを披露するVINOがプレイする。
ROOM2では、Laurent GarnierやDaniel Bellとの共演も務めたGORO、幅広いテクノ/ハウスを中心にロングミックス・ハイテンポにプレイするavion、新宿Bridgeや青山TUNNELなどを中心に都内で活動するKabe、レフトフィールドベースミュージックを中心にテクノやハウスを織り交ぜてプレイするKoniがプレイする。
Woodford Reserve
世界売上No.1のスーパープレミアムアメリカンウイスキーであり、世界のトップバーテンダーが選ぶカクテルベースウィスキーランキング No.1 に選ばれたウッドフォードリザーブ。こだわりの製法から生まれる並外れたなめらかな味わいと「200以上の味と香り」の完璧なバランスが特長です。
World-renowned pianist Francesco Tristano, known for his remarkable ability to blend classical music with techno, is coming to VENT!
World-renowned pianist Francesco Tristano, known for his remarkable ability to blend classical music with techno, is coming to VENT!
With collaborations alongside legendary figures like Derrick May and Moritz Von Oswald, Tristano brings a distinct artistry and depth to the stage. His captivating live performances, showcasing his skill and expression as a pianist, set him apart as a unique force in electronic music.
Representing Japan’s domestic scene, Nagoya-based DJ Ogawa, recognized both locally and internationally and praised by Argentinean icon Hernan Cattaneo, will be performing. He’ll be joined by Uta, known for his refined, techno-centered selections and impeccable mixing, as well as Vino, whose DJ sets are filled with emotive, progressive house vibes.
In Room 2, Goro, known for his performances alongside legends like Laurent Garnier and Daniel Bell, will bring his seasoned style to the night. He will be joined by avion, whose high-tempo, extended techno and house mixes captivate audiences, and Kabe, a regular at Shinjuku Bridge and Aoyama Tunnel. Rounding out the lineup is Koni, who blends techno and house with an emphasis on left-field bass music, promising an eclectic and dynamic set.
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