

Avalon Emerson




Spring Child



  • DATE: 3/21 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00
  • DOOR: ¥5000
  • ADV/前売: ¥3500 (priority entry / 優先入場)
  • → Live Pocket

  • ※The purchase of ADV will be available until 23:59 on the day before the event.

  • BEFORE 24:00 : ¥3000


Mixmag UK「BEST DJ 第10位」。Four Tetもプッシュするテクノ界の才媛Avalon Emerson


共演には、大阪CIRCUSのレギュラーパーティーFULLHOUSEのレジデントを務めBoiler Room Osakaでのプレイも記憶に新しいSAMOとシカゴ、NY、デトロイト・ハウスを中心にプレイしVENTではRon Trentの来日公演でもプレイしたFUが登場する。

ROOM2では、Radio Slave等の来日サポートを行いフロアを常に意識した柔軟かつ遊び心のある選曲に定評のあるHIZAT、SKEE MASKやMANO LE TOUGHとも共演したSpring Child、ディスコやハウスなどのオーセンティックなサウンドを中心にプレイするKasumisty、ハウスを軸に独自のディープとミニマリズムをテーマにプレイするMTOがプレイする。

Avalon Emerson, a techno prodigy recognized as one of Mixmag UK's top 10 DJs and championed by Four Tet, will be making her way to VENT!

A leading figure of the 2000s generation, Avalon Emerson has built a stellar career with appearances at major festivals like Coachella and Pitchfork, along with the release of her acclaimed DJ-Kicks mix.

Samo, a resident of Fullhouse, a regular party at Osaka’s Circus, known for his unforgettable performance at Boiler Room Osaka, and FU, who focuses on Chicago, New York, and Detroit house and played at Ron Trent’s Japan show at VENT, will also appear on the bill.

In Room 2, Hizat, known for his flexible and playful music selection tailored for the dance floor and for supporting artists like Radio Slave in Japan, will be joined by Spring Child, who has shared the stage with Skee Mask and Mano Le Tough; Kasumisty, who focuses on authentic sounds like disco and house; and MTO, who brings a unique deep and minimalist sound centered around house.