

Construct Re-Form, Tresor





Ayana JJ Smitten


Reika Lee

gaku fukuda Akashic

  • DATE: 7/14 (SUN)
  • OPEN: 23:00



ハードコアでアシッド全盛だった90年代のフランスのレイブシーンのオーディエンスだったZadigことSylvain Peltierは、Jeff Mills、Surgeon、Joey BeltramなどのアーティストやTresor、Lost、Synewaveなどのレーベルに大きな影響を受けてきた。そのため今の彼のスタイルにも当時のテクノを垣間見ることができるだろう。2000年代中盤にパリへ移住するとすぐ盛り上がり始めた現地のシーンに深く関わるようになり、2006年にはEuro Visionsレーベルから”Day is Dying”をリリース。2009年にはパリの重要なレーベルにしてディストリビューターであるSyncrophoneとの良好な関係性を築いていた。

パリのテクノシーンは、2000年代初期の廃れていた時代から輝きを取り戻し続けている。Zadigはこの発展に大きく貢献してきた。2011年にはConstruct Re-Formレーベルを立ち上げRex Clubではレジデンシーパーティーを始め、Antigone、Voiski、Birth of Frequencyなどのフランスの新しい才能のサポートをしてきた。Deeply Rooted House、Chronicle、Children of Tomorrowなどのレーベルからのリリースや、引き続きSyncrophoneからもサポート受けてきた。またTresor、Reclaim Your City、Studio R°などからのコンピレーションには楽曲を提供してきた。

Zadigの名前がフランスのシーンのリーダーだと広まると、ヨーロッパ中を数え切れないほどツアーで回るようになっていった。ベルリンのBerghainや、深い関係性を築いたTresor、パリのConcreteとWeatherフェスティバル、さらには世界に出て北米や南米にも呼ばれるようになっていった。Rødhåd、Peter van Hoesen、DVS1、Inigo Kennedy、Samuli Kemppi、Jonas Kopp、Johannes Volk、Shifted、Lucyなどといった現代のテクノシーンを牽引する素晴らしいアーティストたちとも共演を果たし、2015年にはUnforeseen Alliances という名のライブに特化したコラボ・プロジェクトをVoiski、Antigone、Birth of Frequencyたちとスタートさせた。すべてがうまくいき、ZadigにとってもConstruct Re-Formにとっても成功的に知名度を上げる結果となった。





Along with Antigone and Voiski, Zadig is ushering in a new golden era of French techno.

Currently one of the leading artists in the Parisian techno scene, Zadig is working toward making the Paris scene one of the most cutting edge scenes in the world. Zadig will be gracing the decks at VENT for his first time on July 12th.

Sylvain Peltier, aka Zadig, was involved in the 90s rave and hardcore scene. Soon thereafter he would be greatly influenced by techno artists like Jeff Mills, Surgeon, and Joey Beltram, as well as labels like Tresor, Lost, and Synewave. And as a result, listening to his current style of music will give you a glimpse into the halcyon days of 90s techno. In the middle of the 2000s, Zadig moved to Paris and delved into the scene that he is part of now, which was, at the time, just starting to pop off. In 2006, he released “Day is Dying” on the Euro Visions label. In 2009, he made some important connections with distributor/label Syncrophone.

The Parisian techno scene in the early millennium was a scene that was in the midst of being brought back to life from near death, and Zadig contributed a lot to this rejuvenation effort. In 2011, he founded the Form print, and began a residency at the Rex Club – which gained him the love and support of talented artists such as Antigone, Voiski, and Birth of Frequency, to name a few. Furthermore, he released on labels like Deeply Rooted House, Chronicle, Children of Tomorrow, and continued to receive the support of Syncophone. He also had tracks featured in compilations from Tresor, Reclaim Your City, and Studio R°.

Zadig’s name is well-known throughout the French scene; he’s toured throughout Europe countless times. He’s played at Berghain, has formed a close alliance with Tresor, and has performed at the Concrete and Weather festivals in Paris; furthermore, he has been invited to play in both North and South America. He’s performed alongside modern techno heavy-hitters like Rødhåd, Peter van Hoesen, DVS1, Inigo Kennedy, Samuli Kemppi, Jonas Kopp, Johannes Volk, Shifted, and Lucy. In 2015, he joined a collaboration project that focuses on live performances called Unforeseen Alliances, along with Voiski, Antigone, and Birth of Frequency. So far everything has been going swimmingly – both according to Zadig himself, and Construct Re-From – there’s been much success and his name recognition has gone up up up!

The current Parisian club scene is under reconstruction; lots of attention focused on it now, compared to the 90s. This result is the fruits of artists like Zadig’s labor, so to speak – these people contributed to so much to make this scene a better place. As an artist, a label head, and a central figure in a scene that has been growing more and more, you will surely not be disappointed by the Zadig’s genius performance, so do not miss this chance