Satoshi Tomiie & Nao Gunji
A_A x yoyaku
Banter - Audio & Visual Live Set - Moss / Sith
Satoshi Matsui No House?
GT Setuppers
Kyohei Tanaka Haus It Feelin` Rec.
- DATE: 12/14 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

世界に誇るレジェンド、Satoshi TomiieのライブプロジェクトA_Aの日本初公演に、Cabanneも所属する人気レーベルyoyakuのボス、Varhatが登場!!
ここまで世界のエレクトロニック・ミュージックシーンで長年に渡って活躍を続けるアーティストが他にいるだろうか?世界に誇れるレジェンドSatoshi TomiieがNao Gunjiと共に、コンピューターを使わずにハードウェアのみでエクスペリメンタルなライブを繰り広げる新プロジェクトA_Aを本邦初公開!そのA_AのデビューアルバムをディストリビュートするyoyakuレーベルのオーナーでもあるVarhatも同時に来日しA_A x yoyakuのスペシャルショーケースを12月14日にVENTで開催決定!
Satoshi Tomiieは80年代後半から活動を開始し、故フランキー・ナックルズと共にDEF MIX PRODUCTIONSに所属。90年代にハウスミュージックがポップシーンをも飲み込んで世界を席巻していた頃にはマライア・キャリーなどのポップスターのリミックスを手がけたり、坂本龍一と仕事を重ねたりと世界の大舞台で活躍していた。00年代に入ってからはDJ活動の比重を増やし、北米~中南米、欧州、アジアとほぼ毎週、世界を駆け巡ってきた。近年には自身のレーベルABSTRACT_ARCHITECTUREを立ち上げ2015年には16年ぶりのアルバム『New Days』を発表。その後に、ハウスの土台であるグルーヴ、70年代のエレクトリックジャズに影響を受けたアブストラクトなサウンドと音色のテクスチャー、20世紀のアバンギャルド作曲家たちが編み出した手法をモジュラーシンセで実践するという3つの要素を元にライブプロジェクトA_Aをスタートした。
Brace yourself for the first Japan performance og the legend Satoshi Tomiie's live project A_A! He'll be accompanied by Varhat of the popular “yoyaku”, the label which Cabanne is associated with. All this at VENT, on December 14th!
One of the few active electronic music artists that have had such a long-spanning career. The world-renowned legend Satoshi Tomiie together with Nao Gunji have embarked on a new experimental project that only utilizes hardware (meaning no computers), and this will be their first performance in Japan! A_A’s debut album is being distributed by yoyaku, so it only makes perfect sense that label owner Varhat also comes to Japan to perform at this epic showcase, at VENT on December 14th!
Satoshi Tomiie has been a staple in the global House scene since the late 80s when he joined Def Mix Productions along with the late Frankie Knuckles. In the 90s when House music was being incorporated into the Pop scene is when Tomiie began to shine, lending his talents for remixes of Mariah Carey and other Pop stars, playing keys for Ryuichi Sakamoto and touring the world. Into the new millennium, he really came into his own as a DJ, constantly gigging all over, from North America to South, Europe to Asia – every weekend he was performing in a different club in a different country. In more recent years, he established his own label, Abstract Architecture, and in 2015 he released his first album in 16 years, “New Days”. Following his recent album, Tomiie set off on a new venture, the live music project A_A, which is based on three fundamental elements: the grooves that are the foundation of House music, the abstract sounds and tone textures of Electric Jazz from the 70s, and the execution of the methods 20th century avant-garde composers on modular synths.
Varhat is a producer and the owner of Paris-based record distributor, yoyaku, known for its unique and mysterious record surface designs, and mass distribution of dance floor friendly yet organically groovy Minimal/Deep House. Currently, yoyaku is a very hot label here in Japan with their releases selling out as soon as they hit the shelves. Recently, Varhat has taken on DJing and has been performing across Europe and the globe.
A chance meeting of a House legend who has embarked on an ambitious new project with a young and rising artist within the underground scene is nothing short of miraculous, so do not sleep on this opportunity to catch this once in a lifetime show, at VENT!