

Christian Löffler - Live
Ki Records

Janus Rasmussen - Live
Kiasmos / Ki Records

DJ SODEYAMA трип / Dynamic Reflection

BLACK NICO DYSTOPIA / for circle / L...deep





QSS UrbanWorks

Marico Unselter / LOOP

  • DATE: 1/11 (SAT)
  • OPEN: 23:00

James Blakeファン必見!Gilles Petersonもお気に入りのKiasmosのJanus Rasmussenと、人気レーベルKi Recordsのボス、Christian Löfflerが共演

ドイツのアンダーグラウンド・シーンを超えて人気急上昇のレーベルKi Recordsを率いるChristian Löfflerと、Kiasmosでの活動でBonoboやGilles Petersonもお気に入りのJanus Rasmussenの2人がそれぞれライブセットを引っさげて1月11日に強力ダブルヘッドライナーとして初登場!

Christian Löfflerは常に創造的でありたいという欲求に駆り立てられてきたアーティストだ。彼は10代前半で絵を描き始め、特定の感情ではないにしても何かの本質をアートを通して捉えようとしてきたという。自分の持つ創造的なビジョンを追い求めて、リスナーが否応なく引き付けられ心地よくなる優雅さと豊かさを持つ音楽を制作してきた。優れたトータルコンセプトと美的感覚を重要視する、自身が率いるKi Recordsからの作品は日本のレコード屋でも非常に人気が高まっている。

アイスランド出身のJanus Rasmusseは、同郷のポスト・クラシカルの重要人物であるÓlafur ArnaldsとのグループKiasmosが日本でも有名だ。Kiasmosの作品はJon Hopkinsが引き合いに出されるほどで、電子音のアンビエンスとミニマル・テクノの美麗な融合が大絶賛されてきた。実験的なミニマル・テクノにおける新たなサウンド世界を探求し、クリエイティブな直感に従って制作されたソロ・デビュー作”Vin”はKi Recordsからリリースされ、巧みなミッドテンポのリズム、そしてシンセとアンビエンスのテクスチャーの融合がKiasmosの一歩先を行く作品と評されている。

シネマティックで繊細なテクノに定評のあるKi Recordsを代表する2人がそれぞれライブセットを披露する新年早々のVENT。James BlakeやBjorkなどが好きな音楽ファンにも2人の創り出す優美な世界観を直に体験してほしい!




If you are a fan of James Blake you are not going to want to miss this! We have a nice double lineup featuring Janus Rasmussen of Kiasmos and Christian Löffler of Ki Records!

On January 11th, Christian Löffler, operator of Ki Records, which has taken off above and beyond the German underground, and Janus Rasmussen, who has been very active with Kiasmos and has gained the appreciation and respect of top talents like Bonobo and Gilles Peterson, will each be playing live sets at this epic double headliner event, only at Omotesando VENT!

Christian Löffler is an artist who has always been driven by creativity. He started painting in his early teens, trying to capture the essence of his subject through art, even if he could not pinpoint a certain emotion. In pursuit of his creative vision, Christian has created lush and elegant music that has the effect of putting the listener in a comfortable place. His records from Ki Records, which put emphasis on the total concept as well as aesthetics, have been very popular selections at record stores all over Japan.

Janus Rasmussen, an important figure in his native Iceland’s post-classical circle, is also well known in Japan for his involvement in Kiasmos along with Ólafur Arnalds. Kiasmos’ works have been cited as being comparable to Jon Hopkins, receiving accolades as it beautifully melds electronic ambient sounds with minimal techno. Exploring a new world of sound with experimental minimal techno, his solo debut “Vin” (released by Ki Records), which is touted as having been created intuitively, features a skillfully arranged mid-tempo rhythm with synths and ambient textures (the fusion of which has been noted as being one step ahead of what they are doing with Kiasmos).

Cinematic yet delicate techno – 2 top acts representing Ki Records, each performing a live set to kick off 2020 with a bang, at VENT. If you are into James Blake and/or Bjork, you are going to be absolutely blown away by the sonic beauty these 2 are priming to delivery to your eardrum! Do not miss this experience!


※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方、

※You must be 20 years of age or older and have photo ID to enter.
Note: sandals are not acceptable attire. We appreciate your cooperation.