Circle Of Live
Sebastian Mullaert, Johanna Knutsson, Matt Karmil
VENT 3rd Anniversary: Day 1
DJ FGR × Satoshi Matsui (No House?) System Kong
Chie Nakajima – INTENTION / SENSE 9 – color-music
- DATE: 8/17 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4,000
- ADV/前売: ¥3,000
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,500

本邦初!Sebastian Mullaert率いる即興ライブ・プロジェクトCircle Of Liveがオープン・トゥ・ラストで表参道VENTの3周年パーティーDay1に登場
Sebastian Mullaertが指揮をとり、Âme / PETER VAN HOESEN / Mathew Jonson / Tobias. / Amp Fiddler 等が、流動的に参加する即興ライブ・プロジェクト、Circle Of Live。業界中が震撼した奇跡のライブ・セッションが8月17日の表参道VENTの3周年パーティーDay1にて、日本で初のライブをなんとオープン・トゥ・ラストで披露!
昨年VENTにソロで出演した際にも圧巻の7hロングセットを披露し、オーディエンスの記憶に残る素晴らしい一夜を作り上げてくれた元MinilogueのSebastian Mullaert。カムバックとなる今回の公演はCircle Of LiveとしてMatt KarmilとJohanna Knutssonと共に来日。
エレクトロニック・ミュージックにおけるジャムセッションのような完全即興のパフォーマンスを目的として不定期に活動するCircle Of LiveはメンバーもSebastian Mullaert以外は流動的で、すべてが即興的に行われている。初のセッションにも参加していたJohanna Knutssonは、まるで音楽を通してミュージシャンたちが会話しているかのような感覚に陥ったという。まさに禅を愛するSebastian Mullaertのスタイルそのもので、自然の流れのままに音楽が生み出される瞬間を味わうことができるだろう。
ベルリンのKlasse Recordingsの看板アーティストとして活躍するJohanna Knutsson、Smalltown Supersoundからの作品が大絶賛され、DJ KozeもプッシュするMatt Karmilを今回のコラボレーターに迎え、Sebastian Mullaertが作り出すCircle Of Liveの貴重なライブの瞬間を、国内屈指のサウンドシステムと、こだわり抜いたブッキングで日本のナイトシーンに一石を投じてきた表参道VENTの3周年アニバーサーリーで体感してほしい。
We are excited to announce that Sebastian Mullaert's live improv project, Circle of Live, will be making its Japan debut performance at day 1 of VENT's 3-year anniversary party!
Since its incept, Omotesando VENT has made some serious waves in the Tokyo club scene with its state-of-the-art, made in Japan, sound system and its consistent booking of only the dopest acts from around the world. We’ve locked in both August 17th and 24th to celebrate our third anniversary, so come party with us! On day 1, August 17th, we will have Sebastian Mullaert, of Minilogue fame, and his live improv project, Circle of Live, performing for the first time in Japan!
Last year Sebastian perfumed solo, mesmerizing the audience all night long with a superb 7-hour set. This will be his comeback performance, but this time under a new guise as the much-talked-about live improv project with Matt Karmil and Johanna Knutsson, to celebrate VENT’s third year anniversary!
Circle of Live, as a concept, is essentially an electronic music jam band that gets together on an irregular basis to perform improvisational live sets, and aside from Sebastian Mullaert, all other members kind of flow in and out, as they please. Johanna Knutsson, who participated in their first session, remarked that it was as if musicians were having a conversation through their music. Sebastian, who loves Zen by the way, tries to incorporate a natural flow to his style of music.
Johanna Knutsson, one of the leading artists signed to Berlin’s Klasse Recordings, who has also released works for Smalltown Supersound to high regards, and Matt Karmil, who has received the support of DJ Koze, will be collaborating alongside Sebastian Mullaert at this Circle of Live performance, to celebrate VENT’s third anniversary – do not miss this!