

Dan Shake

dj kensei


Atsu B-LIB

島 晃一 Soul Matters / CHAMP



Kurozumi Soul Matters


Jasmine Mnchr-m

  • DATE: 8/2 (FRI)
  • OPEN: 23:00

MoodymannのMahogani Musicから鮮烈なデビューを果たし、今やHoney Dijon、The Black Madonnaまでもがプッシュする絶好調男。あの Dan Shake が帰ってくる!

近年で最も活躍しているUKのアーティストの一人である Dan Shake が再びVENTに帰ってくる!デトロイトの人間ではないのにMoodymannに認められ、Mahogani Musicから鮮烈なデビューを果たして以来、世界中のフロアに大きなインパクトを残してきたロンドンの新星が8月2日のVENTに登場!

Dan Shakeはロンドンを拠点にするアーティストで、他の誰もがやってこなかったことを成し遂げてきた。2014年にMahogani Musicからリリースされた”3AM Jazz Club”でまたたく間にシーンに名が広まって以降も、自身のレーベルである ShakeやLumberjacks in Hellなどから多くの作品をリリースしてきた。2017年には日本やオーストラリアを含めて世界中でパフォーマンスを披露し国際的なキャリアを歩んでいる。Dimensions Festival​のクロージングセットをまかされたり、Jeremy Underground​、Jamie 3:26 、Marcellus Pittman​などとのB2Bセットも披露してきた。2018年にはBoiler Roomに出演し大きな話題となり、ロンドンのラジオ局Rinse FMでは毎月のレギュラー番組を持つようになった。





Not many can claim that they cut their debut single on Moodymann's Mahogani Music and have the strong support of Honey Dijon and The Black Madonna, but Dan Shake can. That Dan Shake will be coming back to VENT!

As one of the most in demand artists of recent years, UK’s Dan Shake is always on the go – that’s why very happy to welcome him back to VENT! Dan Shake has earned the respect of Moody Mann despite not being from Detroit. So much so that Moody Mann released Dan’s debut single on his Mahogani Music label, which went on the leave a lasting impact on floors throughout the world. Come check out one of London’s brightest stars, only at Omotesando VENT, on August 2nd!

London-based artist Dan Shake has done what no other has done. In 2014 he released his debut single on Mahogani Music, entitled “3AM Jazz Club”, which jaunted his name from dance floor to dance floor all through the scene, and then went on to release loads of works on not only own label, Shake, but on other labels like Lumberjacks from Hell, as well. He was left in charge of Dimensions Festival’s closing set, and has done back-to-back DJ sets with the likes of Jeremy Underground, Jamie 3:26, and Marcellus Pittman, to name a few. In 2018, he went on Boiler Room, which got quite a lot of attention. Not to mention he has a regular show on London’s Rinse FM.

His show have been known to draw in not only Detroit fetishists, but also house music fans of all flavors. Disco, funk, and boogie tracks are masterfully mixed into an organically slick groove, all overseen with house sensibilities. Come immerse yourself in a night full of good music and good vibes – transcend the genre walls.