Shinya Okamoto & Naoya Hara
Ryokei How High / PLAnT
Mu Raki aka Muraki Yusuke
- DATE: 1/11 (FRI)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥3,500
- ADV/前売: ¥2,500
- Resident Advisor
- FB discount : ¥3,000

Loco Dice主催のDesolatクルーの主要アーティストにしてドイツのテクノ/ハウスシーンのトップDJ、tINI
デビュー間も無くしてLoco Diceの目に止まりDesolatクルーに加入、わずか数年でドイツのテクノ/ハウスシーンのトップDJに上り詰めたtINIが1月11日のVENTに初登場!2018年には自身のレーベルPart Of The Gangを立ち上げて、5年ぶりとなる新作を発表し活動が活発になる中、久々となる待望の来日公演が実現!!
はじめてのDJはアンダーグラウンドなヒップホップだったというが、知識を蓄えスキルを磨いている中、Moodymannの”Amerika”に出会ったことで彼女のDJスタイルはエレクトロニックなものになっていった。2003年の夏頃からミュンヘン周辺でイベントやDJを頻繁に行い、しばらくしてヨーロッパ中を回るようにになり最初のレジデントパーティーを持つようになる。すぐにLoco Diceの目に止まり、2008年にDesolatとArtist Alifeに加入。間違いなくこの出来事が最初のターニングポイントであった。世界中で行われたDesolatのパーティーに参加するようになり、次第にtINIの名前も広まっていった。
2009年にリリースされた”That’s Right”は世界中のトップDJによってプレイされ、タイムレスなグルーヴ・モンスターとなり、シーンの未来が明るいことを完璧に証明した。イビザのUshuaiaやロンドンのFuseでレジデント、イタリアのCocoricoでのイベント、そしてMarco Carolaの新作アルバムの世界ツアーのサポートを務めてきたこと、そしてDesolatからデビューアルバムをリリースしたことはここ最近の彼女のキャリアのハイライトだろう。
Founder of Part of the Gang, tiNI, respected by Loco Dice and Marco Carola as one of the top DJs in the Berlin Techno/House scene will be playing at VENT, on January 11th!
With her debut release hot off the presses, tiNI quickly drew the attention of Loco Dice and was made a member of the Desolat crew, and within just a few year she rose to the upper echelons of Germany’s Techno/House scene. In 2018, she kicked off her own label, Part of the Gang, with which she delivered her first release in five years. All these activities have kept her busy and now she will be making her long-awaited return to Japan to perform at VENT, on January 11th!
In the beginning, tiNI was an underground Hip Hip DJ where she refined her musical chops and honed her skills, but it was when she was exposed to Moodymann’s “Amerika” that she decided to pivot towards a more electronic style of DJing. Back in 2003, she was DJing at events in the Munich area, and eventually she started making the rounds around Europe and even got a residency gig under her belt. She soon caught the eye of Loco Dice and in 2008 she was made a member of Desolat and Artist Alife. Without a doubt, this is the first turning point in her career. She went on to play at Deslot parties all over the world, and gradually her name became well known.
Her 2009 release, “That’s Right” (which is a timeless piece, by the way!), was played by top DJs all over the globe, heralding a bright future for this up-and-coming star. She has been a resident at Ibiza’s Ushaia and London’s Fuse, as well as for the Cocorico party in Italy. To highlight some more of tiNI’s recent career achievements: she went on to open for Marco Carola’s new album tour, and her debut album was released through Desolat.
Her curly hair her trademark, this colorful and talented DJ is the epitome of women’s empowerment. Whether she’s playing a quaint club or headlining a massive dance floor, her intuitive style of play captures the audience and keeps them moving until the break of dawn! She hasn’t played in Japan since 2015, so it’s been a long time coming, and we greatly look forward to an epic session by the dynamic tiNI, at VENT!