Andrew Weatherall
Open To Last Set
VENT 3rd Anniversary: Day 2
Huit Etoiles DJs
K.E.G × Mustache X BRIAN RAY
Knock × Frankie $ KEWL
- DATE: 8/24 (SAT)
- OPEN: 23:00
- DOOR: ¥4,000
- ADV/前売: ¥3,800
- Resident Advisor
伝説!Andrew WeatherallがVENTの3周年Day2で、驚愕のオープン・トゥ・ラスト・セットを披露
【 Andrew Weatherall公演の当日券について 】
本日の Andrew Weatherall at VENT 3rd Anniversary: Day 2公演の当日券は、23時より会場受付にて、若干枚販売致しますが、入場規制が掛かる可能性がございます。
国内屈指のサウンドシステムと、こだわり抜いたブッキングで日本のナイトシーンに一石を投じてきた表参道VENT。8月17日と24日に3周年パーティーを開催!8月24日のDay2には現代のミュージックシーンに計り知れない影響を及ぼしてきたリビングレジェンド、Andrew Weatherallがオープン・トゥ・ラストのロングセットで登場!
Andrew Weatherallほど多岐にわたる音楽ジャンルに影響を及ぼしてきたアーティストもなかなかいないだろう。10代の頃からポップカルチャー全体に傾倒し、音楽と洋服と本と映画に夢中になっていたという。音楽制作を始めてからは、ずば抜けた才能を発揮し、New Order、My Bloody Valentine、Primal Scream、Paul Weller、Noel Gallagher、Happy Mondayなどの制作に関わったり、リミックスを提供。デビュー前のThe Chemical BrothersやUnderworldなどの素晴らしい才能をいち早く発掘したのもAndrew Weatherall達だった。
アナログレコードをこよなく愛し、今でも幅広い音楽ジャンルのDJプレイを披露している。ロカビリーからテクノまでをプレイする、Andrew Weatherallにとっては音楽ジャンルの壁などは無いに等しい。数々の革命を音楽業界に巻き起こしてきた、真のイノベーターと共に迎えるVENTの3周年パーティーに乞うご期待!
更に超豪華特典!VENTの3周年を祝してAndrew Weatherallが、最新のMixを2本を提供してくれました!
The man! The legend! Andrew Weatherall will be performing an open to close set at day 2 of VENT’s 3-year anniversary party!
Since its incept, Omotesando VENT has made some serious waves in the Tokyo club scene with its state-of-the-art, made in Japan, sound system and its consistent booking of only the freshest acts from around the world. We’ve locked in both August 17th and 24th to celebrate our third anniversary, so come party with us! On day 2, August 24th, we will have Andrew Weatherall, who has had a profound impact on contemporary pop music come play for us from open to close!
Few artists have influenced such a diverse range of musical genres as Andrew Weatherall. Since his teenage years, he has been devoted to pop culture, becoming almost obsessed with its music, fashion, books, and movies. His musical talents has gotten him involved in the production and/or remixing of a plethora of legendary artists, such as New Order, My Bloody Valentine, Primal Scream, Paul Weller, Noel Gallagher, and Happy Mondays. Furthermore, Andrew Weatherall was one of the first people to discover great talents like Underworld and The Chemical Brothers, before they debuted.
As an avid vinyl-lover, Andrew has a record collection that spans many genres that he loves to incorporate into his DJ sets. From rockabilly to techno, for Andrew there is not barrier dividing genres, music is music and what fits will fit. We are looking forward to celebrating VENT’s third year of existence with a true innovator who has been responsible for kicking off a number of revolutions within the music industry!